Chapter Fourteen

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Sunday Morning 7am

I woke up next to Niall in his bed with his red jumper on. I had no memory of what happened the night before, only that we went to the Christmas ball and now I had a massive headache. I left his room to go to the toilet then walked down stairs to the living room. I was hoping to find everyone there asleep but there wasn't anyone. All I could see was beer bottle and shot glasses, I'm guessing we got drunk but I'm not sure what happened. 

I walked back to his room and by surprise he was awake "Your actually awake" I said. "I know what time is it?"  He said running his hand over his hair and face. "10 past 7 now"  I said climbing back into the bed. We snuggled for a bit and had a nice chat then I said "Where are the other guys? I don't remember where they went?" .

"I think they went back to the boys house's, I'm sure there fine" He said softly

"Okay, well I'm going to call them all later" I said a bit worried. 

Then at the corner of my eye I saw one of his guitar's, I pointed over to it and said "Play me something? please?" . I have never heard him on his own sing really, only on skype.  He got out of bed and walked of to it then grabbed it. "What shall I play for you?" He asked. "What ever you want to" I replied. And then he started to play. 

"But if it's true, it's you. It's you they add up to.I'm in love with you, and all these little thing" He sang to me."That was amazing you really should have some more solo's" I said with a smile. He was being to sweet to me that it made me feel bad that I had been lying about my age this whole time. I wanted to tell him but I knew the other boys might think the same about the girl's so I thought I would leave it for a little while longer. 

After we talked for a while then went down stairs to play fifa on the xbox. I had got really good at it which I was surprised about since I'm not good at video games. A little after our 3rd game I thought it was time to call up Courtney since it was 8:50am and she is normally up early. 

"Heya" Courtney answered whispering

"Hey, I have something to tell you" I replied

"Omg same but you go first" She said still whispering

"Okay, why are you whispering?" I asked

"Louis is still asleep and I don't want to wake him, wait there I'll go down stairs" She replied. And it wasn't like I was going any where. "Okay, I'm in the living room now so what is it?" She said normally. 

"Well last night Niall asked me out so we're going out now ahh!" I screamed

"I'm so happy for you and Louis asked me out as well so we're going out too" She said seeming happy. 

"Aww, I'm so happy for your too. Well you can stay there for a while or come over if you like, either way try and be back here by 4pm" 

"Okay, I'll see what he want's to do when he wakes up"

"Okay, well i'm going to call the other girl's now so see you later"  I said

"Okay, bye" She said and hanged up the phone. 

I turned to Niall and told him "Louis and Courtney go out now?" I said smiling. He turned back to look at me "Oh I know, we spoke about you guys yesterday before we left and he said he was going to" He said not as interested in what was going on as I was. "Oh, well you could of told me?" 

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