Part 4

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You finally arrived at the park, sitting on the closest bench where everything could be seen." So where is the next stop once you leave here on the tour? You asked looking at the joggers and kids running around the area. You feel him adjust next to you on the bench laying his arm behind you. "Texas for two dates and then back to California for the last date of the tour, then we will be off for about a year" he sighed. Both of you turned your direction back to the small crowds around the park. Looking over at him you finally spoke up " I've only been to a few of your shows, you guys have always never failed to amaze me between the albums and the live performances, but I didn't expect you to be so, I don't normally." laughing as he pulled his sunglasses up " We do aim to please in any way we can Y/N, as far as being normal I am only the 'Star Child' two hours a night, the rest of the time, I'm just like everyone else, I take care of my son on the weeks I have him, go shopping or what have you. I'm not the one in the band that has to be in the spotlight 24 hours a day"

You carried on your conversation for a few more hours. Talking about what you liked or didn't like in all different scenarios. Finding you had more in common with each other though there was a ten year age gap between you. Looking down at your watch, noticing it was already after 3:30 you look over at him, " Didn't you tell Gene you would call him about 1 to let him know the plan for the day if you were leaving today or not" Looking down at your watch he shrugged "He's probably being kept entertained by a groupie from the show last night, but we should probably head back, so I can check-in and see what they want to do."

The walk back to the hotel was one of the quietest ones you two had shared since you met both wondering what was next. You had the best time and as soon as he got back on the tour bus, your miserable life would continue. Paul was trying to think of anything he could to delay the band leaving. He didn't want the day to end or you do not be close by, but he knew the show must go on, the stubborn man he was, he wasn't going to let you just go without at least attempting to try to build on this spark. Would long distance work? who knew but they had to try. The question being did she feel the same.

Reaching Paul's hotel room he unlocked the door and flipped on the light. "Y/N, I'm gonna go call Eric and find out if he knows the game plan for the rest of the day. Once I get that game plan I wanna sit down and talk about somethings if you are cool with that? Looking at the scared look on your face he walked over and placed his hand on your shoulder " Y/N, just breathe it's not anything bad that I want to talk about with you, just give me a few minutes and I'll be right back. He said walking off to the bedroom and shutting the door. Anxiety started to flood over you. Not knowing if he was going to let you down easy with the " it was fun and maybe next time I'm in town we can see each other again" line. You sat on the couch rubbing your hands together as you heard the muffled sounds of Paul talking in the next room. Ten minutes later he emerged from his room shaking his head."I don't know who is worse Gene or Eric when trying to get them to stay on topic about something, but it looks like the plan is to head out about 5, unless Gene can't tear himself away.

He says taking the seat next to you and grabbing one of your hands. You said you had some things you wanted to talk about with me?" you asked looking everywhere but his direction. Tugging at your hand to get your attention back to him. "Y/N I enjoyed the last 24 hours with you, getting to know you, being shown around the town. You didn't treat me any differently knowing who I was. I'd like to continue to get to know you, though it will be a long-distance for a while and see if we could build something on this. What do you say to that? He asked, now holding his breath as he waited for a response. It was a turn of events from what you thought was going to happen. You wanted to see if you could build something with him, though he had a point there was the distance, you saw no problem in taking the chance. " I am okay with that Paul, I did enjoy my time with you. I'm sure we can find some way to make it work, I could come out and see you when I have a vacation..." You couldn't finish the last of your sentence when you felt his lips on yours. "Y/N you just made me a pretty happy guy," he said jumping up and walking over to where the hotel stationary was grabbing a pen and paper. Taking it from him you wrote your house number and pager since that was always glued to your hip due to work. He snatched the paper quickly and stuffed it into his wallet winking at you.

Before you knew it there was a knock on the door at 4:45, Paul got up from the couch and headed to the door, sighing as he opened it. " Time to load up and head out, I take it, Rick? You heard Paul ask the man at the door. "Yeah Mr. Stanley we are leaving in 15 minutes the guys are heading to the bus now to load up. You heard the man say. "Alright let me take care of a few things and get my stuff packed and I'll be down, Oh, and don't let Gene make you come up, here again, to hurry me up either," he said shutting the door.

The moment you both had been dreading had finally come. You watched as he moved from room to room slowly making sure everything was packed up. "Is there anything I can do to help you out Paul, so you can get to the bus? You asked. Shaking his head and grinning " No, I'm taking my time so I can spend more time with you, plus pissing Gene off is a bonus because he always thinks everything has to be done at the set time." You sat quietly for a moment knowing in a few minutes Paul would be gone and life would continue as it had though now you would be able to speak with him and get to see if a relationship was possible. It amazed you still on where this could go if love with Paul Stanley could be a thing.

"Y/N you okay over there? You heard Paul ask to bring your attention back to the room. "Sorry, I was just thinking over things," you say with a small smile on your face. Walking his bags to the door and coming to the couch he crouched down in front of you taking your hands. "Wanna tell me what you're thinking so hard about? Though I think if I had to guess you got some concerns about what's gonna happen when I leave here. Y/N I'm not just telling you what I think you want to hear. I do want to get to know you, see if this could create a solid relationship but it will be hard with me being out there and you being here but I will do my damndest to make it work. He says kissing your hands. His sweet words hit you and for a moment you were silent, making him think you were having second thoughts." If you don't want to go forward though...." You stopped him mid-sentence "No Paul I want to do anything possible to see if this can work as well. Smiling at him you kissed him. Pulling away smiling back at you, " I guess it's time to head to the bus"

You both stood at the door of the bus, looking at each other. "I will call you as soon as I get to the next town and as much as I can. We will get it worked out to where I can bring you out to a tour stop or out to LA once this tour is over. He said, pulling you into a hug whispering in your ear " I'm a stubborn man I will make this work somehow Y/N" Pulling away " I'm just as stubborn if there's a will there's away. You said both laughing. "Yo, Paul say your goodbyes and get your ass on the bus it's already 5:10" Paul rolling his eyes ''Well that's my queue to go I'll see and talk to you soon okay Y/N. With one last kiss and a hug, you watched him walk on to the bus and it pulled out of the parking lot. You started your walk home, knowing life would be in the house of horrors but you would have something to look forward to everyday hearing Paul's voice and not just from the speakers of your headphones.

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