Part 12

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It was around 2 pm when the band's plane landed in Los Angeles. No one was happier to be home than Paul after a year on the road he was going to be able to spend a full year with his boy. He hoped now being at home it would give more time to build on what had started weeks before in Oklahoma with you. Four blacked out Suburbans were lined up to take each member of the band to their homes. Everyone saying their goodbyes."Eric, please try to stay out of trouble on this break even if it means staying away from Gene" Paul pointed at the two of them. "Why do you assume I'm always going to get in trouble? Eric asked. "Your track record speaks volumes." All three band members yelled in unison before leaving.

Paul's first and most important stop was going to see his young son, Evan. Six months away from his son had almost been unbearable. His excitement grew as the car pulled into the driveway of his ex-girlfriend's house. Before he had a chance to knock, the door swung open with Pam holding Evan's hand. As soon as Evan saw Paul he quickly released his mother's hand and reached for his dad.

Paul picked up his son, spinning him around. "Hi little man, how are you? Daddy missed you" Paul said as he kissed the top of his head. Evan kissed his dad before babbling "Dada go bye by " melting Paul's heart.

"Paul you should start calling before just showing up here, we've talked about this." Pam snapped at him.

"Hello to you to Pam, I've told you before I don't think I have to set an appointment to see my son, no matter what the custody agreement says." glaring at Pam as he placed his son back on the ground.

Rolling her eyes " next time at least call. I have him on a schedule and don't need you messing that up. Since you're here, go spend time with him."

Paul grabbed Evans' hand and headed to the backyard. Spending hours outside until he noticed his son was tuckered out. Walking back inside he handed Evan back to Pam.

"I'll pick him up Monday to start my week of visitation," he stated making it clear it wasn't up for discussion.

"When will the tour be back up again," she asked in her usual bitch tone.

Paul leaned down kissing his son's head. "You'll know when I know" walking out the door.

Arriving home ten minutes later to his house. He tossed his bags down and walked straight to the nearest phone in the kitchen. Quickly dialing your number, praying he wouldn't have to deal with your mother again. After multiple rings, the answering machine picked up, thinking better of it Paul hung up the phone. "My first day back and I'm fighting with my ex and i can't talk to my girl" running his hand through his hair and over his face. Grabbing the phone he quickly dialed his best friend's number, hoping he could chill there for a while.

Three rings and the line was picked up by Gene. " Hey Gene, listen the trip over to Pam's house didn't go well and I need someone to talk to and clear my head, you down for me to come hang out for a bit?" Paul asked. There wasn't even a pause after he had finished his request.

" Paul you know you're always welcome, I'll see you in about ten minutes," Gene said as he was hanging up.

Grabbing the keys to the house,  he started his walk down to Gene's. He was greeted by Shannon when he got to the door "He's up in his office, just got off tour and he's still working" she said pulling Paul into a hug. " That shouldn't surprise you at all by now" he laughed heading down the hallway to the KISS shrine room, or Gene's office depending on who you asked.

"What's up Paulie?" Gene asked as Paul stepped into the room taking a seat on the leather couch. "You sounded already stressed out and we've only been back in town for 2 hours.

Sighing " Well for starters my ex-girlfriend thinks I need an appointment to see my damn kid, so things were tense the whole time I was there. All she does is throw up the custody agreement. Paul said, shaking his head.

Gene looked at him and Paul waited for a smart ass remark but it didn't come. " Why don't you have Shannon talk to her and get her to see it through a different set of eyes?"

"No way, I'll handle Pam myself, but there's another issue. You know that girl you keep asking me about from the tour date in Oklahoma?" he asked looking at Gene with a smirk. Gene gave a small nod to continue. " We spent one night together just talking and walking around, and I can't keep her off my mind man. We want to build something on it. It's like a magnetic connection, she's there and I'm here. Y/N is just awesome but her situation is less than great, and now I haven't been able to talk to her in a few days. Like I don't know what to do man" Paul said shaking his head. Gene looked at him with a huge grin, making Paul super nervous.

" Paul, you're my brother and I have to tell you this is the first time since Evans' birth that I've seen you that happy talking about someone else beside him. What I would tell you to do if it was me, page her so she can call you. Spend time with your kid, rest up, get to know Y/N more over the phone since you have more time, maybe go see her or have her come here, and then decide if you both want to move forward. Don't rush as you did with Pam." Gene said.

The two hung out for a few hours, playing pinball and hanging out with Gene's kids and Shannon. Feeling relieved as he got to the house. He grabbed his bags and took them upstairs to unpack before sitting down on his bed holding the paper you had given him with your home and pager on it. Dialing the pager number sending his info. He hung up, hoping Gene's plan would work as he passed out from exhaustion.

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