Part 14

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4 months later

Paul had adjusted back to "normal" life, falling to the normal habit of raising his son and talking to you every night. Learning everything about you, but he craved the need to see you and seal the bond. 9 pm he found himself on the band's private plane heading to Oklahoma for a week to see you, a visit you knew nothing about. "Fingers crossed that she won't be totally upset about me showing up unannounced," he thought as he looked out the window of the plane. Once the plane had landed at the airport he drove to the hotel that the band stayed at the lucky night he had met you. He had planned out everything from having arrangements of flowers done for him to be delivered to your job the following morning, talked your boss into giving him access to come on to your department floor though it took some heavy bribery on Paul's part to get his way, She had even offered to help with the plan.

He quickly checked in and made his way to his new home for a week. Your boss had given Paul your day to day routine. He knew he needed to be at your building by 12: 30 for his plan to go through since you took lunch around 1:30 Quickly he unpacked his suitcase and laid down. Drifting off he had high hopes tomorrow would be as great as the first time he had seen you.

The alarm clock blared in his ear the next morning from the bedside table. Rubbing his face he looked at the clock, "10:45 that gives me enough time to get ready and meet Y/N boss by 12:30. Paul thought as he grabbed a change of clothes, heading to the bathroom to shower and shave.

By Noon he gave himself one last look in the mirror to make sure he was presentable,  his typical tight black jeans, white short sleeve shirt with a vest over the top outfit.  Grabbing his room key and wallet to head out to the waiting car. It had been four months since he had last seen you face to face, he talked to you every day and his feelings seemed to be growing more and more. It caused his nerves to be as high as they were the night KISS played their headlining show at Madison Square Garden show. This could be a make or break situation. He knew that this would show you that he honestly cared and wanted you.

Making a quick stop at the local animal shelter Paul picked up his second gift for you. Knowing your love of black cats, he had adopted a 12-week old kitten. Carrying the little carrier to his car, " If the flowers don't knock her socks off, you sure will little guy". he said with a chuckle as the kitten meowed back.

Within 15 minutes Paul was in the front lobby of your office, Metro waiting for your boss to take him to her office to meet you holding the little carrier. Looking in at the little guy " You gotta stay super quiet until I let you out or you will blow our cover." Paul whispered. Butterflies were in his stomach, as he heard footsteps approaching where he was standing.

"Mr. Stanley? I'm Claire, Y/N boss. Paul looked up to see an older woman standing in front of him.

"Please call me, Paul. Are we good to head to the back now? He asked.

Claire waved for him to follow her as she scanned through multiple doors to get to an office. " Y/N should be arriving back at her desk in about 10 minutes. Is there anything else you need help with before the big surprise?

" I think I'm all set for now, Do you know if the flowers have made it in yet?" Paul asked looking down at Claire.

" I haven't heard any excitement on the floor about her having flowers but Ill do a walkthrough. She said heading toward the door. Leaving Paul to wait to turn to the carrier he pulled the kitten out holding him waiting on Claire and you to return to the office.

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