Part 13

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You had barely gotten the door when your pager started going off. Praying it wasn't work-related after the hell of a day it had been. The number scrolling across the screen wasn't area butterflies instantly hitting your stomach, wondering if it could be Paul. Rushing up the stairs to your room you grabbed the phone and quickly punched in the numbers display. Holding your breath waiting for someone to pick up. Finally, you heard a raspy voice answer and the feeling of butterflies increased."Hey Y/N, I'm glad you called back, I've missed talking to you," Paul said. "I missed talking to you as well, You guys are already back in California? You asked "Yeah, we just got back this afternoon, Bruce got the flu now the last two dates have to be postponed until next year, but anyway how are things on your end?" he asked, sounding exhausted and excited."The same thing day in and out, crazy customers, My best friend Michael had a crazy call yesterday and I thought smoke was going to come out of his ears he was trying to stay calm. You said laughing as you heard him start laughing on the other end."I missed hearing your laugh, Michael taking my place as your wing-man for people watching? I'd hate to have to set him straight. Paul said laughing."Nah Michael isn't one to go walk around and observe things. He would rather be at a party or some type of social event, but don't worry he's just like a brother. There's only one person I enjoy people watching with. " you said, feeling a smile creeping across your face." Hmm, that's interesting because I only like people with one person myself" he chuckled."I'm sure you're gonna be pretty busy now with your visitation with Evan and getting re-adjusted to normal life again, you probably won't have much time to talk still. You said hoping he would ease the doubt you had."Y/N don't you worry I always make time for the people I care about, any chance I have to talk to a beautiful girl even by phone, for now, I'll take it," he said knowing you needed to be reassured he was serious.The conversation went on for most of the night. Talk about life goals, music, tour life, and places you wanted to travel to. The biggest conversation is what both of you wanted from a relationship. Paul was the first to speak his mind on it."Honestly, I don't want someone that wants to play mind games. I'm over forty years old with a son. I need a loyal, honest woman that will fight the world with me not fight against me, as well as accepting of Evan and loving to him and me." Paul said. Thoughts creeping in of his past relationship and the heartache that it had brought." I don't want the games either, I want to have my first relationship to be the last. I don't want the doubt that you or whoever is out there having needs met, honesty and loyalty is a must, and cheating is a non-starter there would be no second chances. You told him realizing you had mentioned never having a relationship with him before. You held your breath as you wanted for the response." I like that we are on the same page, and it will be a learning experience since you haven't dated but we will get it figured out," he responded sounding hopeful. You both said your good nights and for once in the three years, you had hoped that there was a positive light coming to your life.

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