Part 26

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The sound of the phone ringing woke Paul up. His head was pounding from the night before he got up and grabbed the phone before it woke you up.

"Hello?" Paul asked wiping his hand across his face

"Paul, it's Pam, I got your message, what did you need?" She asked

He pulled the phone away from him, letting out a sigh, and looking at the clock, it was only 9 am in Oklahoma. A fight was not how Paul wanted to start the day off with.

"I was calling to check on Evan. Is he okay? It's like 6am there. You guys are never up this early. He asked

"Everything is fine, Paul, when are you planning to be back here? Hopefully, before it's time for your week to have him. She scoffed in the phone.

Again taking another deep breath as he looked over, seeing you stir around. "We leave in the morning, not that's any of your business. If I was going to be late getting back to pick him up Pam, you know I would let you know. I've always been about communicating. He snapped.

"Whatever Paul, I was just returning the call, in case it was an emergency."

Laughing a little louder than he intended to. Knowing Pam had hoped you would have answered the phone and not him.

"Sure, Pam, Is my boy up to where I can talk to him? If not, I'll be there to pick him up Monday." He never wanted to be off the phone quicker than he did now.

"No, he's not Paul, we will see you Monday." She said before disconnecting.

Paul looked over at the bed, smiling as he saw you hiding with a pillow over your head to block out the sun. Crawling back in bed, Paul attempted to remove it, laughing as you swatted his hands away.

"I'm too hungover to be functioning right now! Why are you even up? You drank as much as I did," You asked, pulling the pillow up a little bit to look at him.

"The phone rang while you were over here, snoring. Evan's mom called to see when I was coming back home", rolling his eyes at the whole call as he pulled you over to him.

Wrapping both of his arms around you and kissing your head again. Paul looked forward to mornings with you next to him to begin the day and in the evenings after making love to you. Happiness and love are all he saw looking at you. Your hand moving down his chest, pulled him from his thoughts.

"What are you doing, Y/N? Paul grinned as he felt your hand moving lower. Thought you said it was too early to be functioning yet?

Feeling you shift in the bed and your hands grabbing his face, firmly kissing his mouth. Paul groaned into your mouth at the surprising move. Pulling you up, so you were straddling his waist. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, gently winning over the kiss as Paul flexed his hips up, grinding his erection against you. Both of you moaning out at the feel of the friction from it. Quickly he pulled your shirt off your body, Paul's hands ran up and down your body feeling you shiver at his touch.

"God damn Y/N, you're so fucking beautiful, you know that?" He asked, looking up to see the faint blush come across your cheeks before pulling you into another kiss. Rolling you over to your back, feeling your legs open more as Paul moved his lips from your mouth, kissing below your ear. Moving down to your neck, biting it hard to feel your hips grind up against out as whispers of approval left your lips. Both of you quickly grabbed what remained of clothing between you. You were over the teasing, as was Paul.

Locking eyes as he slowly thrust into you, causing moans to escape your mouths. Paul felt your hands go around his neck, pulling him closer to you and crashing your lips together. He quickly found a steady pace, each of his thrust met with the roll of your hips. Your teeth sinking into his neck as he felt you clench around his cock, signaling your release. Paul was quick to follow as you heard him groan out your name as his release hit. Laying his head on your shoulder. Both of you are trying to catch your breath for a moment.

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