Part 8

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Paul finished the show and headed to the dressing room avoiding the line up of groupies trying to draw attention to themselves. Showering quickly so he could hopefully make an escape back to the van to head to the hotel before any of the girls made their approach toward him. Shaking his head, it was a blast in the '70s and '80s but Paul didn't want the games anymore. Before he could reach the door Paul heard his name being called, turning around to see Eric running to catch up with him.

"Paul where are you running off to? Don't you want to hang out with the guys and find some company? Eric asked almost out of breath. "No man, not tonight I'm going back to the room to call and check in on Evan and just chill, you know I'm not one for this scene anymore," Paul said patting Eric's shoulder and turning toward the door. "Well see you on the bus tomorrow then!!!" Eric yelled.

He enjoyed the quiet time away from the band, no one's company felt the same since Paul had met you during that tour stop. "Home Sweet Home" Paul mumbled as he stepped into the hotel room throwing his keys and wallet over on the side table. Sighing Paul picked up the phone and dialed the number to his ex's girlfriend house hoping for the best that he would get to speak to Evan and there would be no drama started. Finally after the fifth ring finally another voice came across.

"Hey Pam, it's Paul. I'm just checking in on Evan. Is he still up?" Paul held his breath waiting on her response. " I was just about to put him to bed, Paul let me get him, don't get him all hyped up either," she said in her usual clipped tone. Rolling his eyes as the line stayed silent for a moment, then he heard the babble of his one-year-old come across the phone with Pam, "Evan says hi to your daddy" more babbling came across the line with a few "dadas" Paul smiled to himself knowing how much that little boy had changed his world. "Hey buddy, Daddy was just calling to say hi and he loved you." Evan made kissing sounds into the phone and then Pam was back on the line, "Paul I got to get him to bed, is there anything else you wanted?" taking a breath to keep his composer " No Pam that's it, I'll be home in a few days to see him" hanging up the phone before anything else could be said.

Leaning back in the chair, there was one more voice Paul wanted to hear, that could finish off a good night. "Should I take a chance on it? He asked himself, toying with the pen around that he found on the desk. Paul knew he had left the voicemail and decided he would wait until the next day to reach out. Walking over to his suitcase he changed into more comfortable clothes and laid down across the bed to watch tv but quickly he was asleep.

7 am there was a pound at the door making Paul jump from his bed. "Who in the fuck is that?" pissed off to wake up in that way. Slamming the door open he found the band manager with the tour manager standing there. " There better be a really fucking good reason for you to be knocking at my door like that" Paul snarled at the sight of them. "Paul, the next two dates are gonna have to be postponed, Bruce has the flu and there's no way to get someone to fill in on such short notice. Rick spoke up but didn't look him in the eye. " This conversation could be done in maybe a phone call at like a decent hour?" Paul said with his hand on his hip. "We are working to book a flight for you guys to head home today but it could be tomorrow. Shaking his head in acknowledgment and pointed to the door for them to get out.

"Now I have to play the waiting game all day to find out what is gonna happen," Paul said to himself. He looked at the phone and back at the clock. Knowing you weren't expected to be at work until 8 Paul wondered if he could get a hold of you before you headed in. Picking up the phone he quickly dialed your number, no longer needing the piece of paper you had provided almost two weeks ago. "Please don't let the voice mail pick up, " he said, fingers crossed at his side. With a sigh of the relief, you picked up on the third ring, but your voice was full of panic.

"Hey, Y/N it's Paul. I just wanted to say a quick hello before you left for work. Are you okay?" he asked. The shakiness in your voice told him, he wasn't going to like the reply he was about to receive.

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