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Planet Earth most majestic creatures. They were the creatures that came and lived on the Planet Earth before humans first walked on the planet.

They have ruled the planet back then. It was their home and playground back then. They all came in all shape and sizes. Some where just as a building, like a two story building, while others were small. Like the size of a human or the size of a foot.

But nothing last forever. The Dinosaurs have met their fate due to the large asteroid that wiped them out in a explosion. Even if some survive that avoid that explosion, the planet has become so barren and cold that their food supplies were hard to come by.

One by one, all the dinosaurs have died out and become extinct. The only thing that reminds us that they were here is their skeletons. No place on this planet has any remaining or surviving dinosaurs.

Or does it?


Somewhere in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Near the Equator.......

There was a large island that is twice as big as New York City. Their was tons of plant life and vegetation everywhere. Their was a large lake that the water connects to the ocean water.

Suddenly, five helicopters came flying out of nowhere and were approaching this island. As they get closer to the island, a storm begin to rain over the island.

The five helicopters land on the island on a clearing area near the large lake. What came out of the helicopters were poachers. And they were carrying high grade weapons and with tranq ammo.

"Alright people! You know what do to!" Said the leader of this poacher group.

The poachers that follow the orders from their leader pulled out some equipment from the cargo that the helicopter was carrying. They set up some generator lights. They begin to set some other things up for their temporally camp area.

"Um sir. May I ask why we are doing this again?" Asked one of the poachers.

"We were hired by a guy that is paying a lot to go find a certain animal on this island. Find it, capture it and bring it back." Said the leader poacher.

"But sir. If I may....... I am getting a bad feeling about this island." Said the same poacher.

"Oh you are worrying over nothing. I have one of our guys getting the sensor equipment up and operational. Nothing will be able to sneak up on us." Said the leader poacher.

"And what about the others?" Asked the same poacher.

"I have them already scouting ahead to find this animal." Said the leader poacher. "Nothing will go wrong."


With the scouting poacher group..........

They had put some flash lights attachments on their weapons to shine forward. They were looking for this certain animal they were suppose to capture.

As they continue to walk in the deep parts of the forest, they didn't notice that someone was watching them from the shadows. Silent as a mouse, this figure made some kind of hand sign to someone that this person knows. In the grass, something was moving towards the scouting poachers.

As the poaches begin to approach what looks like grass grown as tall as them, something attack them in a blink of a eye, before they even have a chance to see what it was. All they saw just before their death, was sharp teeth.

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