Chapter 2

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The familiar voice broke the vision in front of me. Owein's eyes faded away and I was looking back into my own gray ones. They were red and puffy, but they were my own.

I turned and took in Tilly's familiar frame filling the doorway. The look of concern on her face was evident and comforting. She didn't look at me as if I were some specimen for examination. She looked at me like a friend.

"Wish you would've puked in Carmichael's class," she said, "then we both could've gotten out of AP Chem."

I laughed despite myself and she cracked a grin. My laugh served as an invitation for her to actually enter the bathroom. She wasted no time in crossing the space between us to envelop me in a big hug.

I let her. I pushed against the onslaught of visions that threatened to overrun me as our skin made contact. She squeezed me tightly, smelling like sage and maple syrup. It was a comforting- almost homey smell.

The door behind us opened as a younger girl tried to enter. Tilly let go of me and turned on the girl.

"Can't you see we're having a moment here," she snapped, "check your pigtails somewhere else."

The young girl yelped at Tilly's threatening look and voice and bolted away from the door. She turned back to me with a satisfied smile on her face. I chuckled a little.

"You terrified her," I noted.

"Yes, well," she checked her nails, "freshmen annoy me."

Entertained by my friend's cavalier attitude toward the other students, I started to feel back to normal. I'd only imagined Owein's eyes in the mirror. My breathing had returned to a normal rhythm. Tilly even made me laugh- who knew that was possible today?

She led me out of the bathroom and toward my first class that I was almost late for. We stopped outside the classroom when she inspected me carefully.

"You look like shit," she informed me bluntly.

I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, Tilly."

"I'm serious," she said then cocked her head. "Are you getting enough sleep?"

I thought back to last night and the sounds of my mom's sobs and the terror of my dreams.


She narrowed her eyes. "Bullshit. How about a sleepover at my place tonight? My mom and grandma want to meet you and I bet they can help you sleep."

Caught off guard by her calling my bluff, I stumbled.

"What do you mean 'help' me sleep?"

Tilly rolled her eyes. "Nothing threatening, duh. They've got tons of natural remedies for all kinds of things."

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