Chapter 16

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"Celeste here has been working with us for a bit now."

Y/n took a second to study her. She definitely gave off those 'I'm a hoe' vibes. When Celeste and Jaxson weren't looking, as he was telling her something, Y/n rolled his eyes.

As long as she doesn't get near Hajime, we're cool. But...

Celeste turned back to them, putting on a smile.

I'll gouge out her eyes if she ever comes near him.

"I'm Shimizu Y/n. Nice to meet you. And this is my lover, Hajime."

She now seemed to be forcing that smile of hers. "N...Nice to meet you, Hajime."

"So, Celeste... There, uh...has been a temporary change of plans?"

"Change? What are you talking about?"

"Uh... Hajime here will be the one in the advertisement with Y/n--"


"Y-Yes. You, uh...will only be modeling our women's clothing line."

"I...I see," she replied, really forcing her smile now.

It was silent for a few seconds. She seemed to have snapped in that time because she turned her head towards Jaxson, giving him a small glare. But, she tried to cover it with a smile. "Jaxson."


"Could I talk to you for a second?"

"Uh... A-Absolutely--"

Celeste grabbed him by the arm and walked a few feet away. Both their backs were turned to Y/n and Hajime. "You're with the director...! Why didn't you convince him to change his mind...?!" she whisper-shouted.

Jaxson put his hands up defensively. "Who suggested this change in the first place...?!"

"I did."

Celeste stopped and turned her head, Jaxson doing so as well. Beside Y/n and Hajime stood the one and only, Ms. Kurokami. Her red-tainted lips curled into a smirk as she placed her hand on her waist. 

"Very sorry, Celeste, dear. But, as my beloved darling's manager, I must accommodate things to his comfort. He does very well then. Takes the spotlight and everything. How else do you think my star pupil is requested by so many magazines and designer companies? I suggest you accommodate yourself to these changes as they will remain as is. I'm sorry if this change stole your spotlight, but as Mr. Moretti here has said, you've been working with them for a while now. If you have gained any popularity yet, might need to interest yourself in something else, don't you think, dear?"

"Y...Yes. You're right, ma'am," Celeste answered, clearly pissed behind that fake smile of hers. "I should consider taking up something else."

"I'm so glad you agree, dear! Now, let us start! Mr. Moretti!"

"Ah! Yes! R-Right away! Follow me, gentlemen, Ms. Kurokami!"

Jaxson immediately began walking out, Hajime and Y/n following. Ms. Kurokami followed them as well, her heels clicking behind her. "Amelia, show Celeste to her dressing room!"

"Y-Yes, sir!"

Jaxson led them over to where the rest of the staff were setting up. Y/n looked at the setup, impressed with how professional it looked. His e/c eyes looked over at the pink-haired male, who seemed to be pacing around. Ms. Kurokami tapped her foot, getting impatient with Jaxson. 

"Well, Mr. Moretti?! What's the hold-up?!"

He was startled by her outburst. "I-I'm very sorry, Ms. Kurokami! I-It would seem that our photographer isn't here yet--"

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