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✈︎ 𝕪/𝕟 𝕡𝕠𝕧 ✈︎
I giggled and did a kart wheel putting my arms in the air as a finish and the small girls giggled and laughed clapping.

We had 6-13 year olds so every kid was different but personally I think they all loved me.

"Faiths turn!" One of the youngest names Lilian shouted and faith got up and smiled.

I sat in the small crowd of girls who watched me and faith.

The moms shouldn't come pick them up until 4 and it was 3 ,but lessons were over fast today so now while Joanne and Mom talked about the 'kitty competition' while me and faith entertained the girls.

"After  faiths done, me and the girls will vote who wins!" One of the girls squealed making me giggle and nod.

"Wait but I wanna redo then" I huffed and they nodded while faith sighed and began.

"Watch and learn y/n" faith sighed before she did a front handspring into a back tuck and landed perfectly as the girls cheered.

"Hey no! You haven't seen the real show ,come on!" I yelled tumbling up and faith snickered sitting down now.

"Alright!" I yelled rolling my shoulders.

I first did two cart wheels then a summersault and tried getting up but I fell to the ground and got up again smiling and bowing as all the girls cheered running over to me and tackling me into a pile of girls ,me in the bottom.

✔︎ 𝕡𝕒𝕪𝕥𝕠𝕟𝕤 𝕡𝕠𝕧 ✔︎

I sighed walking into the small gym owned by  my mom and was greeted with cheers.

I glanced over at the mats seeing faith in a upright position as the small girls cheered for her but then a bigger one that seemed to be my age got up.

"Hey no! You haven't seen the real show come on!"She yelled and got up. I looked closer seeing she had H/L  H/C hair. I blushed seeing her figure too. She was beautiful.

"Alright!" She yelled hyping up the kids and rolled her shoulders.

I laughed as she did two cart wheels then a summersault and tried getting up but then fell to the ground and got up again smiling and bowing as all the girls cheered running over to her and tackling her into the ground.

"Cute" i snickered and walked up to my mom and another women.

"Payton! M/n this is Payton, Payton this is M/n , y/n mom" mom said as I side hugged her and put my stuff down.

"Hey" I waved and she smiled and nodded.

"Faith Payton's here, and girls let Y/N breath" mom laughed as all the girls looked over and blushed.

"Payton!" They all screamed running up to me as I walked onto the mat taking off my shoes.

It was no surprise all the girls had crushes on me, they were young!

I laughed as The girl that I learned was y/n that faith, and the girls always talked about was her.

I walked past the girls and to y/n as she breathed out shaking her hair out that was in a high pony tail and now it was out of the tight bands grip.

𝐊𝐈𝐒𝐒 𝐌𝐄 ✔︎ | payton.m x reader | shortstory Where stories live. Discover now