☁︎︎Looks like☁︎︎

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Jaden led me to his room that started with two big doors.

my lips parted slightly while jaden only laugh.

"come on" he smiled opening the door and shutting it behind us.

"nice room"

he sighed and threw his arms by his sides and belly flopped on his massive bed groaning.


i looked around seeing all sorts of things but I realized there was a vanity in the bathroom right infront of the door.

I rose a brow and Jaden seemed to realize it and his mouth formed into a "o"

"Those are my ex's stuff I kicked her out and she hasn't gotten them." He shrugged walking into the big bathroom me following.

"So you dumped her?"

He nodded and laughed .

"Yeah actually she was only using me. But it's cool I lost feelings for her two months before I actually broke up with her"

I nodded seeing a bunch of skin care products and face masks I looked at Jaden who watched me , then back at the masks, then back at him.

"I'm not gonna-"

"Pleaseeee" you smirked giving puppy eyes.

He looked back at the collection of masks and sighed.



after I convinced him he gave me some clothes to change into that consisted of some grey jogging pants that didn't fit him anymore but where still baggy on you, and a black graphic tee that hung to your mid thighs, so you just tied the front into a knot.

You stepped out of the bathroom in the clothes and your heels and dress nicely on sink.

Jaden looked at you and blushed a bit as you came over patting the floor.

"Why do I have to go on the floor" he rose his eye brows as you giggled.

"Your too tall! So if I sit on the bed and your on the floor that's gonna be the perfect reach for me to apply it Duh" you said sitting down on the bed as he shrugged taking off his shirt showing his toned body and some tattoos here and there.

"What you like what you see?" He smirked while plopping on the floor infront of you.

"Yeah your hot" you shrugged taking out the head band you found.

His eyes widened.

You watched his expression with a smug look.

Guys don't really expect you to be very bold, but as you can tell with the recent memories of you and payton , it's hard to be all 'butterflys rainbows, blushing, and teehees '

"Put the head band on, you'll only have to wear it for a bit before it drys." You said before dipping the spoon like brush in the cup.

Paytons pov

I sighed putting my hands on the counter.

Where is she, she can't just disappear for a second , I WAS JUST FOLLOWING HER!

"What's wrong payton?"

I huffed looking to my left seeing avani.

"I. Can't. Find . Yn"

Her eyes widened and she snickered softly sipping her drink.

"Yeah well for all you know she could've left, after all. You did leave her alone with people she doesn't know "

Fuck why am I so dumb she's so hard to figure out.

"So now what are you gonna do"

I glared at avani slowly turning my head.

"She didn't leave because she doesn't have a ride. So she's still here and I'm gonna find her before anyone else does" I growled before doing another lap around the house.

-mean while30 minutes later-

"JADEN IF YOU DON'T STOP YOUR GONNA SMUG IT EVERY WHERE" you yelled at the male as he rolled around his bed doing tricks as he tried to catch you after you necked him.

"Then you stop circling around the bed and I won't have to" be smirked as you creeped away from the bed.

The head band was on the floor while his hair was while and the face mask was dry.

You gulped.


You then neared the bed but screamed when he tackled you and pinned you to the ground and started to tickle your sides.

"HAHAHA- jaden-JADEN STOP!" You laughed as he smirked.

"Say sorry!" He said as you through your hands in the air.

"I SURRENDER" you whined taking deep breathes as he smirked in victory.

"Okay this thing is now itchy" Jaden groaned throwing his head back while you rolled your eyes.

"Well then let's take it off you big baby. Where's the towels" you asked pushing him off of you and onto the floor while you walked into the bathroom.

"On the right!" Jaden shouted while sitting down on the edge of the bed facing the door.

He looked to the side seeing the speaker and decided to blast music.

You then came back with a went toweled and climbed onto his lap making his blush and put his hands behind him to hold him up.

"W-wah "he started but you cut him off.

"It's fine it's easier to wipe this shit off this way" you smiled making jadens stomach explode and a smile land on his face.

"Your so fucking weird" he laughed why you smacked the towel on his face making him scream at the hotness.

"WHY IS IT SO HOTTT" he screamed fluke a girl trying to take it off but you held it over his whole face.

"To melt it a bit." You laughed as he jabbed his finger to your side making you yell.

BACK TO Payton

He growled as avani and Anthony followed him  panicking.

"Where could she be." Anthony whined as they had to jog to catch up with Payton speed walking.

"Upstairs?" Avani said aloud while paytons eyes widened and he darted up the stairs.

"Fuck who's up there" avani whisper yelled at Anthony who's eyes widened.

"Oh shit-" Anthony said while they stopped at the top of the stair while payton was looking through rooms.

"JADEN STOP MOVING!" Your scream was heard making Payton eyes widen.

"IT HURTS!" jaden yelled back making Anthony and avanis face flush.

"Are they-"

"Fucking kidding me Jaden!" Payton yelled before opening the door.

Paytons pov

Why is she in jadens room!

Are they fucking!

Jadens my bestfriend!

I opened the door seeing YN in his clothes straddling his hips laughing.

"YN" I said while jadens mead poked out from beside her and her head turned to look at me.


"No" I growled before taking YNs hand that held a towel and dragged her out of the room while Jaden tripped after me.

"It's not what it looks like payton!"

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