Author's Note

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Hi everyone! Thank you for taking an interest in my story!

This story is completely original, so I'll be happy to explain some details of this universe for everyone to better understand the setting, characters, etc. It is a little important to read this, so that you don't get confused about anything while reading!

Setting: It is set in the modern era in a fictional kingdom, so things like running water, electricity, cell phones, tv, and cars do exist for the characters to use.

Time Period: This universe has its own unique calendar, and again, modern era.

Government: The government of this story is in the form of a kingdom, but instead of the traditional king/queen, the highest rank are nobles. This will be further explained in the story. Major spoilers if I say anymore!

Government Related: This universe has its own unique currency and laws too. Currency is called 'hesti' in the story.

Characters: Some of the characters will have unusual features, such as color schemes. This does have a meaning to either the story itself, or their personality.

Character Sheets: I will add simple/general character sheets after each character is introduced, so it can be visualized easier as you read. Let me know if there are any other details you all would like to know about the characters in these sheets (without spoiling anything, of course). Some details will be left as "?", if it has anything to do with the story.

**Note that if the character is mentioned before they actually appear in the story, then there will not be a character sheet for them yet. Example: Character is mentioned in chapter 5, but doesn't appear until chapter 12. This character will get their character sheet after chapter 12.**

Notes/Q&A/Extra Information: These will come when they are needed.

Updates: It will be updated twice a week. Currently, it is set as every Wednesday and Saturday.

**Another note, character sheets don't count towards an update, so if a new character is introduced, that character sheet will be published with the chapter. This also applies for anything else that isn't a chapter in the story.** Lucky for you readers!

Genre: This story is categorized as General Fiction, but get ready for some Drama, Adventure, and Romance added in!

Posts: I do write on my message board when new chapters have been published.

DISCLAIMER: I hope nothing in this story offends anyone. I try to make the story as enjoyable as possible. THERE WILL BE SOME SWEARING IN THE STORY (not often though), so I recommend the age group of the readers to start around late teens.

Now, without any more interruptions, enjoy the story!

-Visage of Euphoria-

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