'I Don't Care If You're Contagious' 6

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Ash walked blindly for what seemed an eternity from Miranda's house, he felt a gapping heaving whole in his chest. He was confused, he was scared, he was sad, fuck mind as well as say he was bipolar.

" Hey are you okay?" Ash stopped because the voice sounded familiar, he felt a pull in his chest as he turned around to find Nathan on the side walk in plaid pjs bottoms and a simple shirt.

" Why are you outside, you should get inside you'll catch a cold" Ash said fast, ignoring his question then turned around on the balls of his feet fast wanting to get away from him. " wait!" warm hands grasped Ashes icy cold wrist, " I'm not the one going get sick , look at you Ash you freezing, I can tell something is wrong. Now come on my house is just behind me."

Ash felt numb inside, he felt like a movie, like a puppet on strings. He was numb, and it was all because of Miranda. It was if she sucked his soul dry of all feelings and emotion he had left and left a black empty whole. Ash didn't say no, he couldn't speak, he was cold, he was hungry, hell he was tired. He reluctantly let Nathan drag him by the wrist like a little kid into his house.

The first thing Ash noticed was the size of the house, the place was huge, there was big comfy black coach, a black bean bag sitting in a square around a crackling fire place in a spacious opened living room to the left of the doorway. To the right was the kitchen connected to the living room and a set of spiralling stairs that led to the second floor behind a glass wall, the lights were dim and sweet pine and coffee drifted to Ashes nose making him sleepy. Nathan carefully led Ash to the couch that was close to fireplace, Ash felt small and fragile almost and Nathan handled him with care.

" Here sit here ill get you some coffee, try to warm up" Nathan mumbled as he walked back to the kitchen.

Ash sat and starred blankly into the flickering flames taking in the heat that warmed his cold face bringing a stinging sensation shortly after. He couldn't get Miranda off his mind and it was pissing off he should be mad... but he wasn't he felt completely and utterly empty... he just needed someone right now.

" Ash?"

Ash turned his head to see Nathan sitting next to him his face filled with concern; he was holding two cups of warm coffee and a had a small blanket on his arm.

" Sorry I was zoning out" Ash meekly smiled and took the coffee from him well tucking his knees underneath him. Nathan only nodded and put the small blanket around his shoulders.

Ash took a sip of his coffee and enjoyed the warmth sliding down, he was grateful no doubt for Nathans hospitality. It would have taken him a couple hours to get to Shiloh's and doubt he would have gotten sick or worse hypothermia.... But still he didn't deserve it.

" You know you didn't have to invite me in I was fine" Ash mumbled looking at his coffee avoiding eye contact

" Please, you were practically a snowman when I saw you, you're damn lucky I looked outside when I did or you probably would have ended up in a ditch somewhere by morning" Nathans replied, Ash was going to be sarcastic but the look on his face was dead serious and Ash felt a sort of awe for that.

Ash coughed, he didn't know how to reply to that as all and things were already getting awkward the scene at Miranda's was coming back to his mind already.

" Uhmm can I ask why you were looking outside?"

Nathan was going to answer when a heavy knock came from the door, Nathan smiled at him " that's why"

Ash watched as he opened the door and handed money to a man caring a box...pizza. His stomach rumbled when he realized he hadn't eaten in a while.

" have a good night sir " Nathan said as he closed the door with the heel of his foot before walking to the kitchen setting the hot pizza on the countertops.

" come over here silly, I'm not going to eat a whole pizza to myself" Nathan said with a smile before turning away.

Ash got up feeling a bit better, it was good thing Nathan had such a great personality other wise Ash didn't think he would feel the least bit better around him.

He walked over with the blanket over his shoulders and his coffee in his hands, he took a seat right net to Nathan. Ash had to partially jump to sit on the high stool which made Nathan laugh.

" haa your too cute Ash" Nathan said before taking a bite of his pizza.

Ash stiffened at the comment and blushed but shook it off hoping Nat didn't see him then continued enjoying his cheesy delight.

" Hey where's your family?" The question came out of nowhere but he was curious it was to quiet for such a big house.

Ash waited for reply, but Nathan seemed to have zoned out for a couple seconds.

" Nathan?"

Nathan shook his head and smiled brightly, " Out for a couple weeks they'll be back soon"

Ash nooded and they both continued to eat, the thought of liking guys past across Ash's mind but for some reason this time it didn't bug him. He felt okay with Nathan beside him, and he didn't care either.

" Hey Ash?... Can I try something?" Nathan asked almost in a whisper.

Ash took a sip of his coffee before nodding and smiling, " Sure"

Nathan looked at Ash biting his lip nervously..." Promise you wont hit me or anything...I just want to see something"

" Yes promise now hurry up before I change my mind, I'm getting tired and I ha-"

Ash was cut off by a pair of warm lips crushing into his, the kiss was soft and Nathans lips fit perfectly into his. Ash stiffened shock ran through him and his heart beat picked up at the realization that a guy was kissing him. Nathan must of sensed he was uncomfortable because he slid off his stool easily without breaking the kiss and wrapped his arms around Ash's waist still kissing him. Ash felt his body loosen. He felt his gut drop and a sensation he hadn't felt before go through his body.

This sensation was different, it was bliss , it was erotic, exciting, it was feeling he hadn't felt even when he and Miranda had sex. And truth is as scared as he was he liked it.

Ash felt his eyes close and his lips work against Nathans as well, he felt Nathans smile through the kiss and almost laughed. He didn't know what he was doing, he was scared, it was if someone different was taking over his body. But Ash went with it and continued to kiss him, he wanted more so he slid his tongue across Nathans lips once for entrance. Nathan let him and together their tongues wrestled together, Ash felt a hot sensation in the pit of his stomach, he was getting turned on badly and he knew he couldn't go any further then make out. It got more hotter and Ash's breath picked up, he could here Nathan breathing unevenly too, both were in bliss. Ash felt warms hands slither under his shirt touching at his abs, a soft moan escaped his lips but was drowned out by Nathans tongue. Ash was completely taking in by the new feeling's, that he forget was kissing Nathan at all. Ash bit Nathans lip pulling it back hard making Nat wince and laugh a bit. Ash hungrily sucked his bottom lip causing Nathan to moan, Ash smiled to himself.

" My turn" Nathan huskily said, as he dipped into the crook of Ashes neck biting and nipping it causing a deep groan escape from Ash's lips.

Nathan smiled into his neck and his came down lower grabbing Ashes ass trying to pick him up to bring him to the coach.

Ash jerked back to reality suddenly at the sensation of Nathans hands on his ass,

" Oh fuck!" Ash stopped and pushed Nathan back hard causing him to trip over the stole and fall back on his butt.

" I'm sorry Nathan... this isn't me, I'm sorry really I am... Oh good" Ash grabbed a chunk of his air and glanced at the hurt Nathan on the ground before grabbing his coat off the chair and heading out into the night, ignoring Nathans calls telling him to come back

'I Don't Care If You're Contagious'   BoyxBoyWhere stories live. Discover now