chapter 4

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Gerard POV:

School. I've always hated it. I hate being around people all the time. I especially hate that after over 200 years I still have to go to school. I get out of my car, grab my bag and start walking into the school. I go straight to my locker, not stopping to socialize like my brother does. I get what I need from the locker and walk to my first period, English. The bell rings as I arrive at the classroom. I walk in and sit down in the back. A cute, dark brown haired girl with hazel eyes, sits down next to me, smiles but, she doesn't start a conversation which makes me happy. She and I start to do whatever pointless work we have to do. The rest of the school day passes pretty quickly, probably due to the fact that I keep admiring the cute girl. Mikey walks to my locker, where he finds me staring at the girl. "Stop staring, it's gonna creep her out", my brother decides to comment. I shut my locker and walk to my car with my brother. I smelt the girl I've been admiring all day and I stop walking. She smells so good, sweet. Mikey notices me stop. "Gerard?" He speaks to get my attention. "Yeah, sorry", I speak as I continue to walk to the car before getting in the driver's seat. I throw my bag into the backseat and smell the scent again. "Gerard, let me drive today", my brother tells me. I agree to let him drive and switch seats with him. He pulls out of the school parking lot, causing the scent to go away. I was kind of spaced out most of the car ride home. Mikey parks the the car and grabs both of our bags. He practically pulls me inside. He sits me down on the couch. "Gerard are you okay?" He asks. "Huh yeah sorry", I say as I snap back to reality. "What was that about Gee?" He asks me. "I don't know. I smelt something sweet, it smelled really good and I couldn't take my mind off it", I informed him. He looked shocked. "Gee, I think you found your soulmate", he says excitedly. I look in shock, I've read about it but I never thought I'd find mine. "I'm going out for a walk", I inform him before walking out of the house.

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