chapter 9

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This is basically what Brooklyn looks like except she usually wears a little more eyeliner and yeah. I'll stop talking now. On to the story.

Gerard's POV:

I see Brooklyn leave her house, looking nice to walk into to town. I decide to follow her, from a distance, just to make sure she's safe. This is not me being a stalker, I'm just making sure she's safe. I walk behind her as she walks to Hot Topic, being oblivious. She goes in and stays in for a while, probably working, I assume. Around 7, she walks out and starts to walk home through town. I follow her from a distance, I have a bad feeling and catch sight of one of her bullies as she takes a shortcut through a dark alleyway. I pin her against the wall, putting my hair on her mouth to prevent her screaming. She freaks out until she realizes it's me. I remove my hand from over her mouth and put a finger against my lips, signaling her to stay quiet. When I hear the them walk past, I let her go. "Gerard, what the hell? Were you following me?" She asks me with a loud voice. I grab her arm and quickly guide her out of the alley and into a safer location. "Listen, I wasn't following you. I just saw you and the boys from earlier were following you so I got you out of the way", I explained. "Oh..uh thanks", she spoke softly. "Can I walk you home?" I asked. "Sure", she answers me. I hold her warm hand and walk her home, making sure she's safe. I notice her shiver, probably because of the cold weather and my cold hand. I take off my jacket and give it to her. "Thanks, Gerard", She speaks. "No problem", I reply. As we stand at her door, she tries to give me my jacket back. "Keep it. I have plenty of them. I'm like a jacket slut"(mcr reference), I reply, causing her to giggle. She's so cute. She must of noticed me looking at her because she blushes and smiles. "Goodnight Gerard. Thanks for making sure I was safe. I'll see you at school", she speaks, smiling before she went inside. I walk inside. "You couldn't help but, follow her to work could you Gee?" Mikey asks me. "I just need to be near her. She's so beautiful, and cute and intoxicating. Anyway, I'm going to bed. Goodnight, mikey", I speak before heading to my room and going to bed.

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