chapter 15

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Brooklyn's POV:

I wake up, seeing relief wash over Gerard's face. "How are you feeling? Are you okay?" He asks. "I feel fine", I reply. "What time is it?" I ask. "It's about 4:30 I think", he replies. "Thank God, I thought I would be late for work", I tell him. I get up and walk over to the mirror and fix my hair a bit. "Are you sure going to work is a good idea?" He asks me. "You can come with me if you want", I tell him as I change my shirt. "I trust you. If you feel sick or anything you better text me. I'm going to worry about you", he tells me. I kiss him on the lips. "I'll text you if I feel sick or anything. I love you", I tell him. "I love you too Brooklyn. You better be safe", he speaks. I walk outside and head to work. 

Gerard POV:

A few hours after Brooklyn leaves, I get a call from her job asking why she didn't come into to work today.  I hang up and text her asking where she is. I get no reply and go out looking for her. I find her after an hour or so of looking in an alleyway getting beat up once again. She was unconscious and bleeding. The boys see me and stop beating her up for a minute. I end up taking matters into my own hands and draining the four boys of their blood, killing them. I hear Brooklyn's faint heartbeat.  She'll die if I don't turn her. I bite her wrist, not drinking from her but, injecting my vampire venom into her. I heard her heart stop a few minutes after my venom was in her system. I carried her home. I saw her wounds healing slowly as I laid her down on the bed.

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