chapter 8

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Brooklyn POV:

I run upstairs and close my bedroom door. I sit on my bed and smile, thinking about Gerard. God, he was so cute and hot and kind. I so have a crush on Gerard Way. I can't wait to hang out with him tomorrow, after school. I wonder what we're going to do after school. He cares about me, which is rare apparently. My mother ignores me because my older sister's the perfect one. She's so smart, she's popular and she wants to be a doctor. On top of it, she's gorgeous. I guess you could say I'm the disappointment of the family. I have average grades, I want to be a musician and I work at Hot Topic, most days except for Friday, Saturday and Monday. I decide to go get cleaned up and dressed since I need to be at work before 4:30 for the later shift. I go to my bathroom and shower before putting on some clothes. I put on my black Nirvana shirt, black jeans with holes in the knees and black combat boots. I put my long hair into a braid, leaving some pieces to frame my face. I then start walking to town to get to hot topic before I'm late.

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