chapter 16

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Brooklyn's POV:

I wake up in a room that's way too bright for me. I cover my head with blankets and groan. I'm in Gerard's room. It smells like him. I hear Gerard chuckle. did I get here? How am I alive? They were beating me up so bad. I thought I died. "How are you feeling?" I hear Gerard ask. It sounds like he yelled to me. It's too loud. "Shhh..too loud", I whisper. I hear him switch off the light in the room so I pull the blanket off my head. Everything is too much right now. My senses are on overload. Suddenly, my throat's so dry and I feel so hungry that it was painful. I groan and decided to hide under the blankets again. "What's wrong with me Gerard?" I ask, my voice is hoarse and barely a whisper. "I had to turn you or you were going to die Brooke", he whispers. I groan, yet again. "Make it stop hurting", I whisper. "Come on, you need to feed", he tells me. "Be quiet", I whisper. I get up and hear way to much. Gerard basically has to drag me outside and we walk to town, where everything is definitely too loud. He takes me to an alleyway. "Stay here for a minute", he whispers. I nod and he leaves, returning quickly with a boy around my age. "Come on", he tells me making my head hurt. I go over to the boy and I hear his heartbeat. I'm pretty sure my eyes are red like Gerard's get when he's hungry or around blood. I bite into the boy's neck, making the boy wince. It tastes sweet, yet metallic and it's the best thing I've ever tasted. I get a bit carried away. "Brooke you need to stop", I hear Gerard telling me. He ends up pulling me off the boy, making me growl at him. "You're going to kill him if you drink anymore Brooke", he tells me, pinning me to the wall. I really don't care right now though. I want more. "Let me go!", I fight against Gerard. "Brooklyn Marie James calm down!", he demands. My eyes return to hazel. My eyes turn red as I see the boy again. Gerard grabs onto my neck and before I know it I pass out.

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