chapter 12

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Brooklyn's POV:

Gerard walks with me to my house and I unlock the gate to the backyard and he follows me. "My window's unlocked, we just need to get up there", I speak. I start to climb but, my grip on the ledge of the side of the house slips and I fall. I land safe in his arms. "Thanks", I speak, glad I didn't fall on the grass, like many times before. He helps me climb up to my room. I grab a bag and stuff some clothes and things I would need in it before zipping it up. I throw the bag onto the grass before climbing down after Gerard. We walk to his house, holding hands and put my bag in his room. "Want to go on a walk?" He asks me. "Sure", I reply happily, knowing I'm safe with him. I really lo-like him. I can't love him. I barely know him but, on the other hand, he seems to really care about me. We walk together, to the field once again. We sit by the same tree, in the shade. "Why are you so cold all the time?" I ask him. "Um..bad circulation I guess..", he answers. "You're a bad liar, Gerard Way. What's the real reason? You can tell me anything. I won't freak out or anything", I tell him. He sighs. "You promise you won't freak out?" He asks, appearing worried. "I promise", I swear to him. He sighs before looking at me, "I'm so cold all the time, because I'm not alive Brooklyn", he speaks seeming serious. I burst out laughing, causing him to raise an eyebrow. I stop laughing and tell him, "I'm sorry, it's just there's no way you're not alive. I mean you're here. I can see you, feel you, hear you." He laughs a bit. "I'm not a ghost if that's what you think. I'm a vampire, Brooke", he speaks. I look at him like he's crazy for a minute before I realize he's serious. I take a minute to let it sink in before accepting it, calmly. "Cool", was all I could manage to reply. It was cool. I was obsessed with vampires like my whole life, now I have feelings for one. I giggle a little, causing Gerard to look at me. He looks at me like I'm crazy before, smiling. "Now that that's out of the way...will you be my girlfriend Brooklyn?" He asks me. I freak out internally. "I'd love to be your girlfriend Gerard", I say smiling.

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