chapter 7

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"Do you want to stay here for a while longer or I can walk you home or something? It's up to you", I ask her. "Can we go on a walk? I don't want to go home yet and I want to get to know you more", Brooklyn tells me. "Yeah of course", I speak. We walk outside. "Can I hold your hand?" I ask her. "Okay", she answers. She holds my hand, sending a shock through my body and apparently her's. She keeps holding my hand. "You're so cold", she speaks while looking at me as we walk. "Oh", I speak. We come across some shade in the field and sit down against a tree. "So tell me a little about yourself", I speak. She looks up at me with her hazel eyes, tucks a strand of light brown hair behind her ear before speaking, "well I was born here and I like more alternative style stuff. I'm obviously not anywhere near popular at school as you witnessed earlier..", she trails off as she looks down. "Well, your really pretty and you seem pretty cool", I blurt, causing her to blush and smile slightly. "You're not too bad yourself", she replies. I smile at her. "Do you want to go hang out with me tomorrow?" I ask her. "Yeah, sure", she answers as we smile slightly at each other. She blushes a bit. "Do you want me to walk you home?" I ask her. She nods and I get up, helping her up as well. I hold her warm hand as we walk through the field to her house. When we get there, she knocks and stops holding my cold hand. Her mom answers the door. "About time you got home, Brook. What happened? Why are you hurt?" Her mom asked her. She rolled her eyes, "stop pretending to care and go back to hanging out with your beloved boyfriend mom", she spoke harshly to her mom before pausing and adding, "goodnight, Gerard. Thanks for today." She smiled at me before walking inside with her mother. I walked next door, to my house where I was greeted by Mikey.

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