Chapter 1

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Avani's POV

Hey I'm Avani Gregg and I'm 17 years old I live in LA with my friends at the Hype House.(The Hype House is a house where a bunch of famous tiktokers live.)

"Where are you going?", I asked my best friend Addison Easterling (aka Addison Rae or Addi)
"I'm going out with Bryce and I'm so excited. I hope he finally asks me to be his girlfriend.", Addison explained to me.
"OMG i'm so happy for you. You and Bryce are so cute. I hope he is THE ONE for you. Are you going to sway"

(Sway is aka The Sway House with some famous guy tikotkers)

"Yes I am and you should come Anthony might be there.", Addison teased me.

Anthony has been my "celebrity" crush for a while now and we haven't formally met. I've met every Sway boy except Anthony and it makes me nervous that I might go meet him today.

"Stop teasing me and I'm coming with you it's time i stop being scared just to meet a boy. Plus he probably has a girlfriend.", I said sounding sad at my last statement.
"Girl stop worrying you'll be fine. Now come before i'm late."

*At Sway House*

When we got there the house was pretty much the same size as The Hype House. Addi and I knocked on the door and Bryce opened it up and looked Addison up and down and then hugged her. Ugh i just want that for myself. Then I saw Anthony in the back ground so i walked up to him after greeting the other Sway boys.

"Hey I'm Avani you must be Anthony?", I asked even though i already knew.
"Hey and yeah that's me. Call me Ant and you look cute.", Anthony said

My cheeks started to heat up and I could tell he saw because he started smirking at me.

"Thanks Ant want to watch a movie or something while Addison and Bryce are gone?", I asked
"Yeah that would be nice."

Anthony and I went up to his room and it was pretty nice for a 18 year old guy. He sat down in his bed and i didn't want to intrude so i just stood there.

"Ava come lay with me.", Anthony said to me
"Ava?", I asked
"Yeah it's a cute nickname for a cute girl."

Man i think i am falling in love.

I laid down next to Ant and we started watching Moana on Disney Plus. Anthony kept casually scooting close to me and eventually he put his arm around around me so I laid my head on his chest. It felt really safe and I never wanted to leave.

POV change to Anthony

While me and Avani were watching the movie i noticed she fell asleep and i could already tell she was a heavy sleeper so I texted Bryce and said...

While me and Avani were watching the movie i noticed she fell asleep and i could already tell she was a heavy sleeper so I texted Bryce and said

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Everything i sad to Bryce was true. I did start to have feelings for Avani and I know what you're thinking. You can't like a girl you just met. But that's where you're wrong. I liked Avani and having her here laying on me was a dream come true. Yeah i used to mess around with other girl but i did it like 3 or 4 times but i stopped 1-2 years ago because i wanted to find the one. Something is telling me she is the one.

I turned off the tv and looked at Avani. She had on a full face of makeup, jeans, and a champion shirt. So i went to Josh's room and asked his girlfriend nessa for some shorts and makeup wipes. Then i went back to my room to wipe off Avani's makeup. She didn't wake up. She's a heavy sleeper. I slowly took off her pants but not in a sexual way. I slid on the shorts. Then I proceeded to take off her shirt. She had on a sports bra and i know girls like to sleep like that but i didn't want her to be uncomfortable so i grabbed one of my shirts and put it on her. She started to move but she didn't wake up. Then I put her clothes on my desk and got in the shower.

Avani's POV

I woke up and remembered where i was. Then i heard the shower and figured Anthony was in there. I looked down and saw I was wearing Nessa's shorts (she was my friend i met last year during playlist) and Anthony's shirt. It felt so good to be in his shirt and i noticed my make up was off because my face felt light. Then i saw a sight I couldn't unsee. Anthony came out of the bathroom with his towel hanging so low you could see his v line and his hair soaking wet.

"Oh no did i wake you. I'm sorry", Anthony quickly apologized.
"No No don't be sorry i just happen to wake up. Thank for what you did for me. I really do appreciate it.", I said back
" No problem it wasn't a big trouble."

Then I realized Anthony saw me pretty much naked and it was kind of uncomfortable because i had always been insecure about my body. Then Anthony grabbed his clothes and went in the bathroom to change clothes so i went on instagram. I got a lot of hate comment and it really made me upset so i threw my phone at the wall. I was honestly just so sick of everything and everyone so i brought my head to my knees and cried forgetting about where i was.

"hey hey don't cry mama", i heard Anthony say with no shirt on and messy hair
"i'm sorry", was all i managed to get out from crying so much
"don't be sorry. I heard a loud noise and i got worried. but now that i see your not physically hurt... do you want to tell me what's wrong? i promise i won't tell anyone.", Anthony told me

So i told him about my hate comments and how i wish i wasn't here. He was sweet and he instantly calmed me down just by being in my presence. He held me until i fell asleep then gave me a forehead kiss.

"Goodnight my love", anthony said and then he fell asleep.

•Hi everyone! I hope you enjoyed this first chapter
•This is my very time writing so any criticism would be appreciated.
• Please vote and comment because i am very grateful for all of you reading
•Hope you enjoyed!!! :)

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