Chapter 8

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Anthony's POV

"Tony get the fuck out now", i yelled but you could hear the hurt in my voice

he quickly left

"Avani. I don't want to be upset so please just explain what i just saw.", i said trying not to get upset
"ok so Tony came in my room asking if i wanted to make a tiktok. we made one and it made me so tired learning it so i sat down on my bed and Tony sat next to me. He put his hand on my thigh as. i pushed it away and right i was heading for the door he pulled me down and kissed me and then you came in. but i didn't kiss back.", she explained

i didn't respond for a minute because i instantly became mad at Tony.

"i believe you Avani.", i said

Then she hugged me and i hugged back

Once we were done hugging i didn't kiss her because i needed to make sure Tony never put his stupid lips on her again.
So i went to go talk to him.

"Tony get your ass over here now", i yelled through the big house
"hey man what's up", he said
"don't hey man what's up me", i said
"what's your problem man",he said
"avani is my girlfriend and you kissed her you dickhead", i yelled
"oh i didn't know i thought it was just a rumor plus i'm desperate man", tony said
"whatever", i said and left the hype house
I called avani and told her i just needed some time to process everything and it's been three days. Which means that today is our one month anniversary. So i went i the hype house.

"hey thomas is avani here.", i asked
"even if i told you she wasn't you would still come in.", she said while laughing

Me and Thomas have started building our relationship lately and honestly he is one of my best friends.

"hey Avani", i said and i don't why i am so nervous
"hey baby. are you okay?", she asked
"yeah i'm fine. i'm just shocked after everything but i'm okay.", i said then i kissed and said "happy one month baby girl"
"happy one moth bubba", she said back
then i said," After all these weeks we've been together, my heart still flutters when you walk into the room.
In my eyes, you grow more beautiful with each passing year.
Everyone told me we would break up eventually when two people spend a lot of time with each other, but that's not true for us, is it? I love you Avani Gregg."
"awww babe...i love you too love.", avani said
"you are my love.", i responded
"and you're mine", she came back

I kissed her passionately but i broke the kiss.
"what's wrong?", avani asked
i went to go lock the door
"no interruptions", i smiled
i kissed her again but i wasn't a hungry kiss or a desperate kiss, it was an i love you kiss and i want to spend the rest of my life with you kind of kiss.

Then Avani took off my shirt and i put her on the bed hovering over her. Then while kissing her I remembered the cabin i set up and this special moment was supposed to happen there so i pulled away.

"i'm sorry", avani said
"for what mamas", i asked worried
"well you pulled away so i figured i did something wrong", she said i i instantly felt bad
"no baby you didn't do anything's just that i set something up for us and i don't want to ruin the movement for later", i said
"okay",she said smiling

After about an hour of cuddling Addison came in and i don't know how cause the door was locked but she did.

"Avani Gregg you cheated on Anthony...oh hi anthony?", she said in a questioning tone
"No Tony came in my room and kissed me because he was desperate and Anthony saw him kiss me but we made up.", Avani explained to Addison
"oh okay because i thought you guys were over. y'all are like my favorite couple.", addison said
"thanks are you and bryce?", i asked
"well...", she said sadly
"you don't have to tell me anything but i'm here for you.", i said while rubbing her back

Avani's POV

Addison nodded and walked out of the room.

Addi is my best friend but hearing MY boyfriend speak to her like that nd rub her back really irritated me so when anthony tried to cuddle me i dodged it and moved away from him.

"princess?", anthony asked gently

but i ignored him

" to me", anthony whined

"what did i do", anthony asked

"why were you talking to Addison liked that. I thought you loved me.", i said
"sweetheart...i was only being nice. don't worry you're only for me and i only want you. okay?", anthony said
"okay", i smiled and hugged him

I know what you're thinking. Avani that was childish but honestly you never know what guys are thinking but i trust Anthony especially after he took me back when Tony kissed me. Tony didn't even feel like Anthony and it was disgusting. The Anthony broke me out of my thoughts.

"earth to my little bean", anthony said in a kid like voice
"yes babe", i said acting like he wasn't just calling my name
"come on. let's get to that surprise my love", he said

And with that we got in his car and he drive home to the surprise.

•sorry for the typos
•i just wanted to give you guys another chapter but i don't have much to say
•send me a message because let's be friends :)

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