Chapter 11

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Avani's POV

i don't know what was with me today being all horny or whatever. I think i'm over it though. After Anthony calmed down we started going to Sway House and Anthony put his hand on my thigh but it was put low. I put my hand on top of his and went on instagram.

After driving for like 10 minutes we arrived at the Sway House. I heard Josh and Nessa broke up so I hope there isn't any tension when we go in. (a/n i wish nessa and josh the best since it's true sadly)

I was wrong there was serious tension. The only people there was Bryce,Addison, Josh and Nessa. Nessa and Josh day at opposite ends of the couch while Bryce and Addison were snuggled up.

"Avani!", Nessa and Addison said running up to me.
Anthony cleared his throat feeling left out.
"Sorry Ant", both girls said while hugging him and I noticed Nessa hugged Anthony super tight as if she was hugging Josh when they were together. It kind of made me jealous but I decided to ignore it.

We all went to go sit down and the order across the couch was Nessa, Anthony, Me, Addison, Bryce, and Josh. We were watching a scary movie and Nessa grabbed Ants arm and hugged it and put her head on his shoulder. Addison noticed me staring and told everyone we would be right back. We walked into Bryces room.

"That little bitch", Addison said
"i know right. she just got out of a relationship and she knows i'm dating anthony and i thought we were friends.", i say breaking down.
"i know i know", Addison says rubbing my back
"i'm just going to take a minute to calm down. i'll come down in a second", i told addison and she nodded.

I haven't done this in a long time but i'm super insecure and Anthony hasn't noticed and I feel like no one wants me here physically. Also I wish Anthony would've pushed Nessa off of him but he didn't which irritated me. I thought as I put my first two cuts on my wrists using a knife i found in Bryces bathroom. It looked like he was making sandwiches. Probably for a vlog. I didn't even cry because I was used to this pain. The I put two more cuts making it four and I started crying because I never did this many and it hurt knowing nessa and anthony were probably cuddling right now.

I wiped the knife off and wiped the dripping blood and pulled my hoodie sleeves over my cuts and walked down stairs.

As I went down there Anthony and Nessa looked the same as they did when i left which hurt. I sat next to Bryce and he mouthed what's wrong and I trusted Bryce with everything because me and him were super close believe it or not. I showed him my cuts not letting anyone see and I started to cry silently. So he put him arm around me letting me cry into his shoulder. I heard Bryce whisper everything to Addison and I trusted her too so I didn't worry.

I heard Bryce say that he was going to take me upstairs so i smiled at addison but she could tell it was a weak smile. He carried me upstairs not looking back at Anthony. He cleaned up my cuts and bandages them up. I explained to him better about everything i felt and about nessa and anthony. he gave me like a 10 minute pep talk hyping me up and making me smile. I soon started crying again so he pulled me into his arms and i started crying into his chest.

Then I heard someone come in the room and say. "what the fuck"

I look up and it's Anthony. Bryce said"i'll let you two talk and remember what i said Avani.", then when anything turned around he mouthed to me saying,"your a bad bitch", while smiling which made me smile in a weak way then Anthony started yelling at me knowing I hate when people yell.

"anthony stop fucking yelling", i say
"sorry i'm just stressed" he says
"you're stressed. i bet you're so mad because i was hugging bryce right? well guess what anthony i was crying. and do you want to see something else. (i show him my cuts) i fucking cut myself and you didn't realize and do you wanna know why didn't realize. i'll tell you. it's because you were freaking cuddling with nessa on the could and you didn't even hesitate to push her off of you when you know you have a fucking girlfriend.", i say without trying to yell

"baby-", he says but i cut him off
"no. don't baby me now.", i say walking out of the room and driving to the Hype House.


•hello guys!!!
•i hope you enjoyed and sorry for any typos
•i also need a schedule for when to post like 1-2 times a week or everything tuesday and thursday like something like that. so if you wouldn't mind commenting or messaging me some examples that would be great.
•anyway thank you all so much for your support
•to be continued...

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