Chapter 13

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Anthony's POV

Avani jumped off of me and looked up at this Jackson dude.

"Hey Jackson", she said looking down
"hey baby i missed you. you're cheating on me with this jerk", he says looking at me

You honestly don't understand how much I wanted to launch at him and punch him but I kept my mouth shut and stayed calm

"first of all Jackson we broke up a long time ago and i've moved on. how did you get in?", avani asks
"oh yeah we did break up and this dude downstairs let me in. You broke up with me for him.", jackson asks pointing at him
"well for one he doesn't abuse like you did", avani says getting quiet

When she said that that's when i lost it. I got up all up in his face and said get the fuck out before I call the cops

"whatever man. i'll be your worst nightmare", he said running out

Then I got worked up even more just thinking about because why do men- scratch that BOYS put their hands on women. You call yourself a man but you're not a fucking man if you putting you're putting your hand on women and girls. I thought as I punched the wall.

"Ant", Avani said softly
"yes baby", i said rubbing over to her
"i'm sorry he came." she says holding back her tears
"mamas it's okay. we all have that one ex who can't stay away", i say laughing lightly.

Then Avani got up and walked to her clothes because we were at Hype House and she was about to get in the shower.

"we have better things to look forward to like tour.", i say grabbing her hands
"you're right. i need to get excited because it is in a week.", she says
"thank you for being calm when you were. that was really big of you", she says making me smile
"anything for you", i said walking behind her in the bathroom
"what are you doing", she asks me
"i need to take a shower", i said playing dumb
"but i'm showering right now", she said
"well since we both need to shower let's do it together", i say getting excited
"someone's a little too excited", she says turning the shower on.

We both get in and we start washing each other. It felt nice to be able to just be with your love. I started thinking about how old I am and how I want kids so I kind of zoned out while in the shower.

"babe. babe. Babe!", avani said
"uh yes babe", i ask
"are you okay?", she ask
"yes i'm fine I just was thinking that's all. Anyway let's get out and finish packing so we can already have it done.", i say
"okay", she says sounding a bit worried.

After an hour we finished packing and I was honestly exhausted so I laid down on my stomach and literally 2 seconds later Avani came and laid on top of my back.

"hey anthony oh sorry", Nessa said coming in
"it's fine", i say
"i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry to the both of you for everything i did to halls relationship. I was just acting desperate because me and Josh broke up. So i am truly sorry.", Nessa says
"it's okay", me and avani says

Then Nessa leaves and I look at Avani. She has this look on her face if you know what I mean.


•guys!! i am so sorry i am uploading a chapter so late. After my birthday on june 24 i went out of town and i never had time to write so i am so sorry but i'm back!!
•sorry for any typos and i hope y'all enjoyed
•any ideas for the story>>comment them
•to be continued....

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