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Tonight was a surprise date night and Roman had come more than a little unprepared as Alain had invited him over last minute.

So here Roman was, still in his work clothes on the couch watching a movie that Alain had chosen at some DVD rental place.

By the looks of it however, Alain was not enjoying the movie as he continuously jumped at the loud noises and less than scary zombies.

"This is hardly believable and yet you're here shaking like a leaf" Roman muttered as he let Alain clutch the life out of his arm.

Ignoring his comment, Alain looked up at Roman with a curious look in his eyes.

"Would you leave me like that if we were in the apocalypse?" He questioned and Roman frowned at the absurd inquiry.

"Of course not, why would you even think that?" Roman said and Alain smiled.

"Hm...I don't know. Just asking. For the record, I wouldn't leave you either" Alain said as he moved himself closer to Roman. If that were even possible at this point with how close they already were.

"Thanks...although I find that pretty hard to believe with how petrified you seem of the fake undead monsters" Roman said sarcastically and Alain gave a frown.

"Pssh, no" he said and Roman raised an eyebrow.

"No? Were you not just cowering in fear a few moments ago?" Roman said as he gestured to his arm that was still in Alain's clutch.

Alain gave a loud laugh before answering.

"I was pretending! Do you honestly think something like this would scare me?" Alain said as he pointed to the scene of a zombie biting into a woman's arm that was playing on the TV.

Roman gave a confused look as he stared between Alain and the movie playing.

"And why exactly were you pretending?" Roman said slowly.

"So that you would comfort me with hugs and kisses" Alain said with a straight face and  Roman just sighed.

"Your imagination is truly roaming free tonight, isn't it?" Roman said with an amused but tired smile.

"Whatever" Alain said as he gave a pout. Roman couldn't but let out a short chuckle when seeing the look on Alain's face.

"When you pout like that you look like a spoiled child" Roman said as he poked and prodded at Alain's dimple that only came out when he made certain facial expressions.

Alain shooed his hand away with a weak glare.

"I'm not a child" he said strongly and Roman smirked.

"Only a child would pretend to be afraid of a movie so that they would receive attention" He said as he retracted his hand but it was grabbed by Alain and Roman was suddenly pulled closer to him.

"Then I'll just have to show you how much of a man I really am, don't I?" Alain said as he circled his arms around Roman's back.

"N-No...there's no need for that. Besides, we're still watching the movie" Roman said quickly and Alain hummed.

"Yeah but now it's time for other things" Alain said as he turned off the TV before turning his attention back to Roman.

If only he had kept his mouth shut...

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