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Roman walked into Alain's bedroom with the steaming bowl of soup in his hands that he had made for the sick male.

Upon entering, he could see that Alain was buried under all of his covers. As he walked closer, Roman could hear the little sniffles that escaped Alain every now and then.

"Alain?" Roman called as he set the bowl on Alain's nightstand. Said male uncovered himself and revealed his shiny red nose and sweat drenched face.

"You know, it's rare seeing you get sick" Roman commented as he pulled a chair up beside Alain who sat up a little with a drained look on his face.

"It is, isn't it?" He said weakly with a small smile.

"Yeah, idiots aren't supposed to get sick" Roman said and Alain frowned.

"Idiot?" He grumbled and Roman nodded.

"Yes, you're an idiot. I told you to carry your umbrella with you and you even refused to let me come pick you up" Roman said as he crossed his arms.

It had rained heavily the night before and Alain thought he would be able to beat the rain but luck wasn't on his side and he ended up getting drenched.

"I didn't think it would rain that bad" Alain said.

"Well, next time you should listen to me" Roman said and Alain rubbed his head.

"Yeah, yeah..." he muttered.

Alain looked over to the steaming bowl of whatever it was that Roman had brought to him and eyed it suspiciously.

"What is that?" Alain questioned with an scrunched up nose.

"It's soup" Roman said and Alain grimaced.

"I don't like soup" he said. Roman shook his head at the childish remark.

"Well that's too bad" he said bluntly.

Alain crossed his arms and turned his head away. He'd rather drink a bottle of disgusting cherry flavored medicine than eat soup.

Roman could see that the pushy approach he had planned to go for wasn't going to work as Alain could be quite stubborn, so he decided to put on a caring and reasonable one.

"Will you at least have a few spoonfuls? I want you to get better and you can't do that if you refuse to let me help you" Roman said and gave a pleading look to Alain.

Alain was tempted to right out reject Roman's negotiation but upon seeing the look on Roman's face he cursed in his head and gave in.

"Fine..." he muttered and Roman smiled before handing the bowl to Alain who just looked down at it in distaste.

"This is the first time someone has ever made me soup..." Alain said.

"What?" Roman said as he gave a surprised look. Alain nodded before speaking.

"Yeah...I don't have any siblings and my mom and dad were always too busy to care for anything other than their work. I've always had to deal with it on my own" He said before he picked up the spoon full of soup and placed it in his mouth.

Alain was surprised to find that the soup held a pleasant taste, much better than anything he could ever make. The only kind of soups he ever had were the store bought canned ones so this was much better compared to those.

He put the bowl back on the nightstand after having the promised few spoonfuls and looked to Roman who was just staring back at him.

"...you don't have to worry about that anymore. Anytime you get sick, I'll be here to nurse you right back to health" Roman said.

The sincerity in Roman's voice had reached Alain's heart and it started beating abnormally fast at the words. If he was being honest, he loved how Roman was always sincere about everything he did and said, it made Alain feel like he would never have to worry about anything when it came to Roman.

Feeling overwhelmed by the warmth in his heart, Alain reached over and captured Roman's lips in a emotion filled kiss. Although he was stunned at first, Roman couldn't help but find himself falling into the searingly hot kiss as he placed his hand on Alain's even hotter cheek.

...wait, hot?

Roman's eyes widened when he realized what he was doing and broke the kiss quickly.

"Are you trying to get me sick right along with you?" Roman questioned as he glared at Alain who gave a sheepish smile.

"...sorry, I couldn't help myself" he said and Roman sighed.

"Thank you...for real, this means a lot to me" Alain said after a moment and Roman smiled.

"Don't worry about it, this is what a lover is supposed to do is it not?" Roman said and while speaking, he didn't realize that Alain was inching closer to try and steal another kiss.

Roman realized just in time and covered Alain's mouth with his hand.

"You really are trying to get me sick" Roman said with narrowed eyes and he could feel the smile forming on Alain's face.

Roman stood up seeing that his presence was only going to distract Alain from eating his soup. Walking to the door, Roman turned and gave a pointed look to Alain.

"If you finish the soup, I'm sure you'll get better faster...and then, maybe we can do things like that" he said with a smile before leaving.

Alain looked to the bowl of soup that was sitting on the nightstand and sighed.

Guess he's gonna have to finish the soup...

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