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"Alain...?" Roman muttered as he watched his boyfriend continue to angrily rant about whatever had happened to him.

Roman had decided he'd pick Alain up from work so that they could spend some time together. Now, as they sat in the cafe of their choosing, Roman listened as Alain continued to bare his frustrations to him.

"Everyone in that damn office irritates me! They think just because I'm younger, I don't know how to do anything. I swear if I didn't actually like my job, I'd have quit already" Alain grumbled as he angrily chewed on his donut.

He had hoped eating something sweet would calm him down but it turns out that he was still frustrated.

" you feel better yet?" Roman asked and Alain sighed.

"I's just really annoying to have to work with those people" he said and Roman gave Alain a small smile.

"It seems like there's something you aren't telling me" Roman said. Alain nodded as he thinned his lips. He waited a moment before spilling what was in the back of his mind.

"They asked me to do a book signing event" Alain said slowly and Roman raised a brow.

"But that would mean you'd have to show up in person" Roman finished and Alain nodded.

"They think that I'm shy or something and don't want to show my face to the world but that isn't even remotely close to why I'm against this. I want to be able to do the things I love and still lead a simple life, you know?" Alain said.

"Are they pushing for this book signing heavily?" Roman asked and Alain nodded.

"My manager thinks it would be good for publicity but I don't really care for it. She thinks I've stayed in the shadows for too long and that I should give the fans what they want or else they'll start to lose interest" Alain said and he let out a sigh as he rested his head in his palm.

"Well, if your fans truly love your writing then they'll continue to support you, no matter if they know what you look like or not" Roman said and Alain nodded.

"I know, I know. It just gets annoying after a while" Alain said.

"If push comes to shove, just know that your #1 fan is always right beside you" Roman said with a smile as he grabbed Alain's hand.

Alain gave a short chuckle but entwined their fingers nonetheless.

"#1 fan? Do you even read my books?" Alain asked and Roman gave an offended look.

"Of course I do, I have every book you've ever put out you dork" Roman said and Alain blushed at the sudden confession.

"Y-You do?!" He asked and Roman nodded.

"I was a fan of yours way before we even met" Roman said and Alain's eyes widened.

"That's...crazy" he said and Roman nodded.

"Yeah" he said.

Alain looked at Roman shyly before asking his question.

"What's your favorite book?" Alain asked and Roman laughed.

"Why should I tell you? After all, you doubted that I was your #1 fan" Roman said as he pulled his hand away but Alain quickly grasped it again.

"I didn't doubt! I'd never doubt you! Now tell me what your favorite book is!" Alain whined and Roman smiled.

"A Year With You...that's my favorite" Roman said and Alain blushed heavily when hearing the title of his 'book'.

"T-That' do you know about that?" He muttered.

"You left it on your desk and I happened to see it. It's sweet" Roman said.

'A Year With You' was like Alain's diary of moments filled between him and Roman as they continued to spend their days with one another. Roman found it extremely endearing that Alain had done such a thing and hadn't really planned on telling him that he knew but it's too late for that now.

"Well, it's kind of ironic you're bringing it up now considering it'll be our one year anniversary next month" Alain said and Roman nodded.

"Life is just funny like that, don't you think?" Roman said and Alain grinned.

"Yeah" Alain said and as the two sat there in the cafe, Alain couldn't help but think that this was another memory to add to 'A Year With You'.

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