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Roman let out an exasperated sigh as he tried to fan himself with his book. It was hot, hotter than most days, and even though he was shielded by the parasol above him he still felt like he was melting into a puddle.

"Roman? Why are you sitting there?" Alain asked as he noticed his boyfriend had opted for taking a book (that he didn't know Roman had brought) and sitting under the parasol.

Since Alain missed out on the beach last time, Roman had decided the two of them could go alone together. Only thing was, he missed the entire point of going to the beach.

"It's cooler here than being out in the sun" Roman said as he stopped using his book as a fan.

"Oh no. You are not spending our time together with that book, you hermit. Let's go" Alain said as he snatched the book out of Roman's hand and tossed it back in to their bag.

"But, our stuff!" Roman protested as Alain continued to drag him down to the water.

"It's fine. We left mostly everything in the car, and I hardly doubt anyone would want to steal your book" Alain said and stopped pulling once they reached the shallows.

Roman shivered at the freezing feeling of the water rushing up on him. Although he loved to relax at the beach, he wasn't always one for actually getting in the water.

Roman felt something hit him and he turned to see a plastic beach ball on the ground and two girls running up to them.

"I'm so sorry!" One of the girls said and Alain raised an eyebrow when he noticed the way she tried to seem seductive as she bent down to pick up the beach ball.

"It's fine" Roman said, not really paying much attention to the woman's alluring looks.

Once seeing the flirtatious smile the other girl was sending Roman's way, Alain knew that this was a setup. Those girls probably threw that ball on purpose just to have a reason to talk to him.

And Alain was not having it.

"I'm Jenny, and this is my friend Holly. Wanna come play with us?" The girl said as she laid a hand on Roman's arm and that was the last straw (although there wasn't many to begin with) for Alain as he wrapped his arms around Roman's waist and pulled him away from the girl.

"Sorry, ladies. This handsome devil is all mine, and to be frank, I don't like sharing. Find someone else to play with, won't you?" Alain said and while he was smiling, his eyes said it all.

He wanted these girls out of his sight.

The two girls just glared at him before walking away with their heads hung.

"Shit, if I had any idea you'd attract pests I would have brought bug repellent" Alain muttered and Roman gave a soft chuckle.

"There was no need to be so hasty. I would have sent them away" Roman said and Alain frowned.

"Not fast enough for my liking. Another second and those women would have undressed you with their eyes completely" Alain said with a pout as he tightened his grip on Roman's waist.

Roman just smiled before turning around in Alain's embrace.

"They're gone now, so let's forget about it. You wanted to get in the water right?" Roman said and Alain nodded, the childish pout on his lips still there.

"So stop pouting and let's go" Roman said and the tables had now turned as Roman was the one who was pulling Alain into the water.

Alain's pout vanished as he let a smile replace it. The day at the beach he had been looking forward to still hasn't ended yet, so he followed after Roman, excited to just be in the man's presence and have fun together.

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