Important-ish A/N

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Hello everyone. So I haven't updated for almost a week. I'm sorry about that. That's for two main reasons. I have been pretty busy this past week and I will be again for the next two or so weeks. I'm taking online dance intensive classes for 5 hours a day and by the end of it, I'm just wiped completely. That's been taking up most of my time so I'm sorry about that.

Another reason is that I have terrible writer's block right now. I have absolutely no ideas for this story and I feel really bad about it. I gave you all these action-packed chaps and then nothing. If you have any ideas at all, please comment them or PM me. I really need some help right now. My friends suggested a Scorrose fight so I might do that. If you would like to see that and have an idea about what you want that to be about then, again, please comment. I've run out of ideas and I need some more. 

Another thing. I have an idea for a possible sequel. If you would like to see that then also comment. It's just an idea but if people don't want to see it then I won't write it. I might still write it just for fun.

Ok, I think that's all I have to say. I'll leave you guys alone now because I have dance soon but yeah. Bye.

 Peace Out :))

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