Painful Suprise

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Hoseok's POV
Right now I am at home, since today was my day and Namjoon and I were thinking what we should do for the day. "We can take Yuki to the beach!" Namjoon smiled. "Okay! Let me go get Yuki ready." I went into the room and got a bag ready with towels and extra clothes so we can change after. I changed into some shorts and a button up shirt, then went to Namjoon and Yuki. "Okay, do we get snacks?" I nodded. "We can stop by the store and get some there!"  We both got into the car, Namjoon already put Yuki in the car seat and I started driving off to the store to get some snacks.

After getting the snacks, we made it to the beach and got everything set, we all sat down while Yuki started playing with the sand. "Do you still think Jin will somehow come back? It's already the 24th and I'm scared..." Namjoon sighed and looked at me. "Namjoon...he won't come back okay? I will say this again, he won't take you or Yuki as long as I protect both of you, okay?" I kissed his forehead and hugged him as he hugged back. Yuki started babbling things and Namjoon picked her up. "Look now your hands are all covered in sand." He started to clean the sand off his hands and gave her some baby snacks.

After she ate, we all decided to go to the water so Namjoon picked her up while I took my shirt off, and we all went to the water and sat down while Yuki was in between my legs, playing with the water. "Yuki really loves the beach..." I smiled and splashed her legs a bit while she giggled and splashed the water even more.

~Later On~
No one's POV

Namjoon had gone to the store to get some things they needed, since they randomly ran out of food, shampoo, conditioner and hair wash, he went to go get all those things. Hoseok was working on trying to get Yuki to fall asleep, which he tries to for 30 minutes and she was sound asleep. As of right now, Jin was watching from a far, seeing everything Hoseok is doing through the window. He got up and went through the window quietly, then secretly grabbed one of the knifes from the kitchen. Hoseok was washing the dishes and looked where all the knives were, except he realized one was missing.

He got a little worried and turned around, but was face to face with the one person he promised to Namjoon he would protect him from, Kim SeokJin. Before he could say anything he felt intense pain go all through his body, Jin had stabbed him in the stomach. "You think you can protect Yuki and Namjoon from me? Well this is gonna be way easier than I thought!" Hoseok fell to the ground and started losing a lot of blood. Jin crouched down to Hoseok. "When you're gone I'll take Namjoon and Yuki, don't worry I'll take care of them. Goodbye Hoseok!" He stood up and walked out, making sure there was no evidence that he was there.

Namjoon walked in. "Hoseok I'm back! Hoseok?" He looked everywhere. The living room, the bedrooms, even Yuki's room, but he hasn't checked the kitchen. He walked downstairs and walked into the kitchen, thinking Hoseok was getting some ice cream but he was wrong. He saw Hoseok bleeding out, but he acted quick and called an ambulance and tried to stop the bleeding. "Hoseok just stay awake! Please..." soon enough he started crying as the ambulance ran in and quickly took Hoseok to the hospital.

Namjoon changed quickly, picked Yuki up and drove to the hospital. After a 30 minute drive he got Yuki out of her car seat and went to the front desk. "Hello Sir how can I help you?" A nurse asked. "Is Kim Hoseok here yet?" She looked through some papers. "He arrived about 10 minutes ago sir, the doctor should come out in a bit to tell you how he is. After waiting for 30 minutes, the doctor came out and informed Namjoon that Hoseok was lucky that the stab didn't go any deeper or he would've bled instantly and died right away, and also telling him that he could go home today or tomorrow.

Namjoon decided to take him home that same day, but bade sure that Hoseok didn't do anything that could hurt him. Meanwhile with Jin, he was on the phone with someone. "What the hell do you mean that he didn't die!? Come on Jackson you're supposed to make sure that Namjoon didn't go near him!" He sighed stressfully. "Listen Jin, I tried to stop him by causing traffic but he took a damn shortcut! Namjoon knows the town and all the streets well!" Jackson was already stressed enough as well, dealing with a furious Jin, and also making sure he got Namjoon.

"Listen, the next time you go, which is in a couple of weeks or 1 week, you decide when, you break in through their daughters room, if she starts crying then calm her down, I'm sure Namjoon will go upstairs and you could have him close for awhile before Hoseok goes in. Got it?" Jin smirked to himself. "Got it, I'll be at the apartment in a bit, I'm gonna go visit Yoongi, who also kept it a secret from me about Hoseok and Namjoon. Bye." Jin hanged up and drove to Yoongi's house and knocked on the door. But it wasn't Yoongi opening the door, it was his husband Jimin.

"Yes? You're here to see Yoongi right?" Jin nodded. "Okay, let me go get him from his little studio office come in!" Jin walked in and sat down, realizing there was a bunch of baby things everywhere, including toys for older kids too. "Jin? What are you doing here?" Yoongi was holding his youngest child, Mina who is only about 1 month old. "Put your child back to the room, I'll be in your office." Jin got up and walked to his office as Yoongi put his daughter back and went into the office. "Listen here, I know you kept it a secret from me that Namjoon and Hoseok are dating and now married. But you're lucky Min Yoongi, because you're married as well and have 3 children, 4 because you have a new baby, so just watch out." He smiled as if nothing happened and walked out.

Now time to see Namjoon.

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