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~A Week Later~
Namjoon's POV
I was feeding Yuki while Jin was sitting on the couch, watching TV and smoking. "J-Jin? Can you please not smoke in the house?" He blew out some smoke and looked at me. "I can do what I want." "But there's a baby here and I don't like it when people smoke in a house, so can you please smoke outside in the back?" He groaned and got up. "Fine." He walked outside and slammed the door pretty hard, causing Yuki to start crying. "Oh no Yuki you're okay! I know he scared you.." I picked her up since she was done eating and calmed her down. "Someone will find us, we just have to wait..." I sighed and went upstairs to put her in the play area.

She was playing while I went to the bathroom with some clothes to take a shower. Hopefully someone will find me and Yuki.

Jimin's POV

My partner and I were on our lunch break, eating at a ramen place when someone called Jihoon. "Hello? Oh....okay thanks for telling me." He hanged up and sighed. "What happened?" "The phone was a burner cell so it doesn't help at all, and Namjoon's phone was located far away from where he was taken." I groaned. "That's it I'm getting another ramen bowl!!" Jihoon laughed a bit. "If you're moody, then are you having another child?" Jimin sighed. "Nope, I gotta deal with my one month old daughter." I smiled a little and continued eating the ramen.

After eating and paying, I got a call from Yoongi. "Yes Yoongi?" I heard the kids yelling in the background. "Jimin please help, the kids are making a mess, Mina keeps crying and I gave her a bottle, I burped her, and changed her diaper!" I sighed, hearing Mina crying. "Okay I'll be there in a bit." I hung up and looked at Jihoon. "Family? Come on let's go do we can calm your children down." We both for up and got to the car and drove to my house. I went inside when my two oldest children, Sungwoo and Lia, both were 6. "Appa!!" "Why are you guys giving your dad a hard time?" "He won't play with us!" I looked at the second youngest, Daichi, who was only 3. "Both of you go play with Daichi, I have to help with your little sister." I picked Mina up and calmed her down, then gave her to Yoongi. "I'll see you later!" I quickly left with Jihoon and went back to work.

Once we made it for department, we immediately tried to find new evidence. "There's no other evidence, we just might have to close this case Jimin." I looked at them. "No there has to be evidence!" Jihoon looked at me. "Jimin, there's clearly no evidence, I always agree with you, but this time, I'm gonna have to agree with the others." I sighed. "Fine." I got up from my seat and grabbed my jacket, leaving and driving home. "I'm back.." "Hey babe! What happened?" Yoongi back hugged me. "We're closing Hoseok's case...and before you say anything I tried to argue to keep it open, they wouldn't do anything about it and still said they were closing it."

I turned around and looked at Yoongi. He was obviously mad, but also sad because they don't want to catch the killer that made him lose his childhood friend. "Are you serious? That's bullshit!! He's still out there somewhere and they're just gonna let him get away with murdering the friend I cared about!?" He teared up. "I know but they just can't find the evidence Yoongi...but you have to understand about what they said." Yoongi scoffed. "Understand what Jimin? They could've just kept going through it no matter what." He got up and went to his studio and slamming the door. I already knew that he would stay in there for a couple of days, since I had 3 days off and that he's pissed off right now.

I decided to get dinner ready, since I knew that the kids were getting hungry. "Kids come on, dinner is almost done!" I was making spaghetti, which was their favorite. They came down and grabbed a plate of spaghetti for and started eating while I went upstairs and got into Yoongi's studio. "Yoongi?" "What Jimin..." I walked up to him and sat in front of him. "Can we talk? About what happened earlier?" He sighed. "'s just they could've tried for a little longer Jimin. You know that." I held his hand and sighed. "I know, I argued about it with them but they all decided to close it, even the Sergeant. Come on, you need to eat." Yoongi nodded and went to the dining room with Jimin.

Meanwhile with Jin and Namjoon, they were arguing. "You know, I just realized that if you keep on fucking arguing with me then I'll make sure you get burned!!" Jin was angry. "Well I'm sorry but you shouldn't smoke around a kid!!" Jin glared at him. "You know what? Get over here." Namjoon didn't move. "I said get over here!!" He threw a cup to the floor, causing it to break into many pieces. He immediately walked over to him and was scared. Jin grabbed a cigarette, lit it up, and started to leave burns on Namjoon's arms. "No Jin stop!! It hurts!!" He started crying and tried getting away. "It'll be worse if you keep struggling!" He lit up another cigarette and continued leaving burns.

After awhile, he finally stopped and pushed Namjoon away. "Next time it'll be worse." He walked outside and left Namjoon on the floor crying because of the burns on his arms, he also had some near his jawline and hands. He slowly got up and went to the bathroom and treated his cigarette burns.

How much longer will it be until
he is found?

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