Chapter 8 | Coward

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Dedicated to: Sara_G_Cookie_Queen, oreocrazed, Urghboys17, and lemon_pops for all the epic comments, for all the support and for just being awesome!
Special thanks to:
KelsaDixon who helped me past a scene that took me 2 months to write.
And if you haven't read it yet go read her book 'Loosing Ruby' which is amazing and Brody is such a mood!

 And if you haven't read it yet go read her book 'Loosing Ruby' which is amazing and Brody is such a mood! ~*~

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Chapter Eight| Coward

Ian Braverman was seated alone in his office, having arrived earlier than his close friend and business associate Law Farrow in order to read Olivia's diary. He hadn't wanted to read what he knew would be a harrowing entry to read in front of, or near his family, Hadn't wanted them to see his grief. He knew he would have to discuss what he was to read, with his brothers later however he would feel more prepared this way.

So Ian Braverman opened the leather bound book, and read.

Only to weep, as it was Olivia's letter to her diseased mother that lay scrawled in ink on those pages, as she barred her heart to someone who may never know, to a mother who would never be able to sooth the worries that plagued her youngest child. A symphony of words from a child to her mother, in the only way she knew how to communicate.

Ian Braverman had not realized how heavy the loss had weighed on the girl, had added to that weight with his words and with his actions. He still would never understand how Olivia Braverman had felt, knew he could not compare her loss with his own, for it was not only a mother she lost but a role model.

Ian Braverman could not keep his sobs from echoing in the too large office, his cries would be heard by none as hers had for so long. For there were water marks blurring the ink on the pages, droplets of tears from his younger sister who had been made to mourn all on her own as he now had to do as well.

The weight of loss heavy on Ian's heart, and the guilt heavy on his shoulders as he wept for a mother who had long since passed away and a sister who had long since moved on.


Jake Braverman could not help but to be excited as he waited in line for his and Cleo's tickets, The small girl standing beside him as she rambled on about the many rides that lay inside. Jake had never been interested in such things growing up, having detested crowded areas he had opted out of going when he could. The times Jake Braverman had been to the carnival had been with his family.

At the time Olivia had been too young to venture on the bigger rides with The Braverman boys, so often times Marcia Braverman would go with Little Livy to enjoy the child friendly rides the carnival had, had to offer. Jake Braverman had preferred to join his mother and sister on those occasions, as he had enjoyed spending the time with his mother.

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