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I have always been fascinated with the things that do not exist or things that no one has encountered before, or have rumors related to it, like unicorns, extraterrestrial life, vampires, witches, werewolves, and anything that is not real. Well, I knew the things do not exist, but in the books I read or the stories, I write everything was possible. I love reading and writing. The fact is I like to live in my own little world. I was born in a rich family and along with the legacies connected to it, in a small town, Esperer, actually, it wasn't that small, but yeah it was situated countryside, having a pure and healthy environment. That is because it was away from the troubles and interferences in the big cities, like New York, which was just 4 hours from my town. My family was one of the two most respected families in the town. Both the families were part of the important decisions and rules and regulations of the town. 

We were called 'The Laurants'.

Everyone often admired my mother, 'Katharine Laurant', her positivity in every situation, her kindness, and her good heart. She was a doctor. My dad 'Patrick William Laurant' was the head of the police department. My mom and dad met each other in Italy where my mom was working as a doctor and dad went there for spending his holidays. Their relationship was goals. I always wanted to be a single child but God had different plans. He gave me a brother. 'Jake William Laurant', he was obsessed with being a rich kid in the town and the only boy in the two families. He was in middle school and all he cared about was pampering given and video games. Well, no matter what, he's one of the important people in my life. You must be thinking about the other family.

'The Evanoras.' I loved their magical surname and my best friend too, 'Roisin Jane Evanora.' Her mother, 'Jennet Evanora', was my father's cousin and by profession, she was a teacher. She lived in New York City and often visited my father during her vacations and here she fell in love with my father's best friend 'Noah Salvastor Evanora', Roisin's father, who by profession was the town's mayor. Well, other than being rich and respectful we had our own professions.

Together 'Laurants and Evanoras' were called

'the descendants of the town. Well, we were the ones who made this town. Both the families have been best friends for centuries and knew everything about each other, from the smallest affairs to the biggest secrets.

There is one more member of Evanora's family, 'Rose Jane Evanora', Roisin's elder sister, weird and suspicious. She never allowed us to enter her room, nor did she allow Roisin at least this was what I thought. Whenever she left home, she used to lock her room carefully. We never knew what the reason was. Her life was a complete mystery and so was this happy town Esperer. Our town was full of secrets and questions without answers. It was said when the town was made Laurants and Evanoras lived in palaces, but both gave up on their palaces after something happened. Well, I didn't know what exactly happened, all I knew was, 'The Laurant place' was converted to 'Esperer High School' and 'The Evanora palace' was on the other side of that gate, that road leads to the Evanora palace. The road was the biggest mystery of Esperer and for people who visited here. It was behind my school and closed with a big metal gate, a century ago. Nobody was allowed to go there and those who went in there never returned.

Until I decided to bring out the truth.

Who am I? 'Eabha Aiteall Laurant' and this is my story. Being a normal high school girl, who was a book worm and loved to live in her own fantasy world, I didn't know my certain fantasies were about to become scary yet a daring reality.

THE ROADTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon