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'Francis's autobiography', It was written on the cover page.

Then I realized that, perhaps, that girl came all the way taking Roisin's appearance to give me this. But, who was she? Who sent her? What I had to do with my ancestor's autobiography? After having dinner, I went back to my room and started reading. I opened the book and there it was written...

'You'll get this when it's time.'

For over a century, they lived there waiting for you, to open it, to live it, to read it, and to repeat it. Hundred of questions but no answers, treasure box but no treasure hunting. Until now, I know it must have started and if not, it is about to start and you will end up in dilemma. But don't worry I'll eliminate your every confusion. First, let me inform you, if you can read it, then you can stop it. It will start with you and end with you.

It all started centuries ago but I encountered it back in 1894 when I was working as a doctor in a small village Dufort in France. My family sent me there to France to study as per my family legacy. I lied to my family that I opted for journalism. But I have had discovered it already that I am a healer and I am born to be one. It was natural in me. Every wound I touched, it healed as if the person never had it before. I left the university and resided in that village. I hid my powers from people there, as I knew people fear what they do not understand and tend to destroy it. I did not know how it happened but after treatment, I just had to say to the patient in the eyes, 'just do not tell anyone, how you were cured' with all my heart and they used to forget it. I thought it was natural too, then I met her, and the meaning of my life changed forever. I discovered my purpose and existence. Near that village, there was a forest, which had a story about eating people. They said those who went in there never came out. Being curious, I decided to go in there.

It was the early morning of June in 1897; I went into the woods and encountered a terrible event. I saw something that scared me from within. I cannot erase that incident from my mind. I saw her sucking the blood out of a rabbit and I was terrified. I ran away from her but she caught me she was stronger than a normal girl or a man, she was fast; faster than a tiger, her pointed teeth and red eyes scared me to death.

I realized the fact why people do not come back. I thought it was my last day on earth but she did nothing, she begged me to stay and asked me to listen to her, her tears were like blood dripping from her eyes. She said I was not normal and I knew why but wondered how she knew. Then she said, she has been waiting for me for over a century, bowed her head in front of me, elegantly, and said, 'long live, Alessandro.' I did not know what to do; I calmed myself and asked her who she was? And, what was this gesture? Who was Alessandro?

She said, ' I am about to tell you a story listen carefully'. I agreed as I knew not listening to her would be like calling your own death.

 then gasping she said, 'You see, there are many things in this world in this universe that has no contact with each other and we tend to think the things that we do not know about, do not exist. The fact is they do, there exist things or tribes or powers or lives that we cannot even imagine.

In the dense forest of Juvenile, in the place you are standing right now, lived two tribes away from all the interference, in their own world. The tribes were unique in their forms, in their behaviors, and in their strengths.'

She then introduced herself,".... 'My name is Stephanie Laurant.' You must be thinking I got the same surname as yours, this is because we belong to the same tribe, 'The Laurants' a powerful, unique tribe of vampires and Dhampir, at least you do. Laurants have been friends with another tribe for centuries 'The Evanoras' the tribe of most powerful witches of all times. Both the tribes were different but together and protected the secrets of one another.

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