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' okay then here's the story.' My dad stated.

It was 1895 whole country or you may say half of the world was under the Valdsam rule, except for our own town, it has always been a distant place, having its own rules and regulations. Of course, made by Laurants and Evanoras, they have been here for years. And if you ask how many years, I don't know it either, but even folklores mention Laurants and as my grandpa, and everybody in the town, knows this that Laurants and Evanoras were the ones who made this town along with the 20 other members of the crew. 

'crew? What? And who were Valdsams?' I asked.

'well, it was a tribe of ferocious, inhuman people who conquered half of the world at that time. They were monsters.' My dad replied and then added, ' In addition, about making of town it's said that Laurant and Evanora had their kingdoms somewhere near each other and both the kingdoms were friends for a long time after the fought a battle together and won. Both were happy kingdoms. But due to some natural calamity, their home town was totally destroyed and nothing was left, so, Laurants decided to move to a new place with left out things and people, and Laurants and Evanoras friendship are goals till date, they traveled a lot and found this place, our town, it's said it was abandoned land. It had 2 barren palaces. It was a place away from everybody and away from the country and they made it home.'

'But it's mandatory to have a villain in every happy story, it was in 1897 when the country was hit by a Valdsam rule, they took over the town and as an agreement took the Evanora's palace. They exploited our town in every way possible.' My mom stated further.

'But it was for the first time in 10 years of Valdsam rule a fire of freedom was ignited by of course a Laurant, Francis Williams Laurant, a young boy of 18 who returned in the town after graduating from France in 1907. He wasn't happy with the town's condition, the exploitation of our resources, and our people.  As for us we were royals so yeah we had no problem caused but, our people were suffering. He along with his childhood friend, Drake Salvastor Evanora united the masses to fight for freedom, he took help from some of the nations who also wanted to get freedom, he connected our town from the rest of the country, no wonder he was a genius and aware and smart, the fight went on for like 2 years.

He united Laurant's and Evanora's soldiers and fought until his demise. But it was a cut-throat fight many died, some ran the country, the fight was dreadful there were dead bodies of soldiers, women, children and it was a horrible scenario.' My dad addressed.

' if Valdsam took over the Evanora palace where did they live?' my brother asked a stupid question again.

' Laurant palace was way too big so both live together for a while and then Laurants also gave up the palace and started living here where we live today and same Evanoras did.'

 ' what about st... ?' I stopped and then added, 'the girl in the photograph?' they didn't tell me the name.

'oh, Stephanie, she was Francis's wife whom he married in France and when Francis died in the war, she was 5 months pregnant and after 4 months gave birth to a boy. Well, she loved Francis a lot and wasn't able to overcome his death for so long and she too died of illness at a young age.' my mom replied.

Yeah right, she died, if they knew. Vampires are immortal unless killed by wood or burned in the fire. Then I inquired about her child, I mean if he died too. My dad replied laughing, 'than how you think, Laurants went further? He was our direct ancestor.' 

'didn't see that coming?' I said giggling.

'Well yeah time passed, the world advanced and so did our town, at present we don't have kings we have mayors, letters became cell phones, Laurant palace became a high school, people educated more, and generations passed by and see you guys are here our new generation, the generation of 2019.' Mom said smiling and then added 'but things that are still the same, are Laurants, the royals, and our love for Evanoras.'

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