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Two more days passed and no new cases of animal attack could be heard, commoners were happy as they thought the animal has gone but we knew it's the silence before a destructive storm. I could feel the uneasiness. When you are attached to something you automatically sense wrong or right about it. I could feel the time was near to end it for once and all. I was born with the powers, they were inside me and I just had to believe the supreme power of 'The Alessandro'. Dia and Francis never opened the book as they were not the keys, they were the protectors and I was told that every Alessandro has died as a protector and has never tried to open the book but I had different views.  To save, to protect, and to end we have to know what exactly is this all for.  It was 12 am and I was standing in the dungeon in front of that book without knowing the consequences but with a decision to open it. Yes, I decided to open the book. If you ask whether I was sure, then I would answer that for the first time in my life I was sure enough for a thing. I knew they have powers, they can sense it, they are related to it so they can sense it, they all can sense something was about to happen. Akuma was here in the town along with his loyalists and Magnar. Valdsams were there in the forest behind that gate, through that road, all waiting for their master's command. They were there where Francis ended it and I started it. They have killed my people, my tribes have been vanishing since the day Akuma tried to get the book and deceive God. I stepped forward, looked at the book carefully and realized, it wasn't like a book as it had no side from where I could open it, I didn't realize it that day, perhaps because I was mesmerized with its beauty and not details. It was like a square box with no opening. They said I was the key, but you need a keyhole at least, I realized even I can't open it. I stood there and felt I was a laughingstock. I thought to give it a try and said, 'open' placing my hand above that box, but it didn't. I was sure a laughing stock. I heard a voice from behind me giggling and it was Roisin. She followed me and entered the dungeon and was looking at me and laughing as I wasn't able to open the book. 

She stepped forward and said, ' My dear Alessandro, you can't open the book, the key itself cannot the book (laughing out loud) I feel sorry for you now..really... I am your best friend... I  feel sad... that you have no powers now..you got them for a while and now you are normal again...' she paused making a concerned face and then laughed out loud again. I just smiled and was hurt inside. I looked at her and asked her just one question, 'why?'

She didn't answer and just laughed at me like anything as she thought I was helpless and she took pleasure in it. In this situation how would you deal? In front of you, there is a person standing you trusted and loved the most and now you see her taking pleasure in your failure. I recalled a time when Roisin fought for me with the whole class. They were bullying me for being not able to catch the ball, they were laughing and she ran towards me and started beating the boy who started bullying me and she shouted, "she is my best friend and you all dare not to say anything." She stood for me like a hero and today she became a villain of my life before I could actually say more, Roisin commanded two vampires to attack me and I wasn't able to to do anything, I stood firm and just looked at Roisin as I couldn't believe my eyes what she just asked them to do. She was thirsty for my life.

One of the vampires came running and threw me on the ground...

'Eabha....' Stephanie shouted and ran towards that vampire and broke his neck. Sirena with her magic burned the other. They might have sensed I was here and they came as they promised they are with me. They came towards me to see if  I was okay. yes, I was fine, I wasn't hurt that bad but my heart was badly wounded. I just looked at Roisin and she commanded other vampires to attack. Sirena and Stephanie fought and I was just lying on that ground looking at Roisin, Then I saw her commanding more, I  gained back my conscious and stood up, The anger inside me grew and I closed my eyes and shouted....'eld till döds'   I opened my eyes and saw all the valdsam vampires were burning. I looked around and said, 'I murdered them.'  and sat on the ground with tears.

'no..no.. Eabha you can't become weak at this point. You are not a murderer. ..Eabha look at me....' Stephanie shouted and said, 'Eabha you... are... not... a murderer. They weren't even alive... they were evil...You have to kill in order to save, and you know it.' I wasn't able to accept it that I killed and I have to kill but I knew it was necessary, with my eyes full of tears I looked at Roisin and confronted, 'why? How can you do this to me? You betrayed me, our friendship.'

'Oh, please. Give it a rest. You call it friendship, where I was always, blown off by people and family because of you. You were everyone's favorite everyone loved you. I wanted everything you had. I knew about our family history and about my sister, I knew about Alessandro and I thought it would be me but when Rose told me it's you, I started hating you even more. Even at school people admired you, topper, kind, beautiful, you had everything. I was nothing; I seemed like no one in front of you. Now you ask me, why I did it? You did everything. I fought from people for you and in the end, they ended up being with you,  your smile, your way of talking was enough to convince people..'

'Roisin...I never thought you would have this much hatred about me. I have always loved and looked forward to you. I admired you for who you were. I don't know who manipulated you. I didn't want this, but if I were the chosen one, it's not my mistake. You could have talked to me...I have always wanted to be like you...extrovert, frank and happy and the one who could light up every place...'

'Really?....(laughed)..... I hate you. Eabha Ateiall Laurant...I hate you and no one manipulated me... They didn't have to..because they wanted me against you and...I was from the start... I am with them, I am with Magnar, I am with Valdsams and Akuma..' Roisin said laughing.

'Your parents! ...did you even think about them?.... our ancestors ...have sacrificed their lives to protect and you are betraying them..'

' I have no family..no friends..all I want is power... over you and everyone and I have always longed for that..... Goodbye best friend....'

'..goodbye...!?' I exclaimed...she put her hand in the pocket and took out a packet and opened it and threw it towards us and the powder inside the packet fell on me and Stephanie ..before I could think what just happened my body started aching and I shivered and fell on the ground, Stephanie too was hurt...Sirena tried to look at what happened and then suddenly Roisin came took the book and ran outside the dungeon. Sirena tried to catch her but she was stopped by the Valdsams vampires and Dhampirs. We lay on the floor unconscious, we could just see what was happening and weren't able to move and just moan in pain. I could see Rose and our families coming into the dungeon and fighting them.  After a moment I wasn't able to see anything other than darkness and my eyes closed. I could just feel the pain that was tearing me apart.

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