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'yeah, there were more. There were people like us earlier too and tribes like us died fighting Valdsams. See, there are two sides of a coin, and likewise, there were tribes who wanted to rule, and then there were tribes like us, who wanted save.' Stephanie remarked. It seemed she knew a lot about the other tribes as well so I confronted her and told her, I wanted to know and I deserved to know. She smiled and said, 'you're not gonna settle for less. You are different and no wonder, you'll end it. See, Francis wrote the autobiography I sent you, before dying behind that gate and Sirena was the medium through which you got it. It was a brief story about what is going to happen next and how it started, he wrote what was necessary but I guess we have to tell this to you. You're not like them.'

'How many sacrifices would have been given to make people understand that no evil would be tolerated and that operation of the universe in right means require bloodshed. How many families must have been destroyed? How many more families or communities would be destroyed? every time the evil will flourish, but every time the book will choose a tribe to vanish even the speck of it. It's not easy to be the chosen one, sacrifice and face it all.' Sirena said looking at the book.

She then said further, 'let's begin from the start. I am Sirena Jane Evanora and we were also one of the tribes chosen as protectors. Earlier tribes and my ancestors died protecting the book. When Akuma killed everyone, only I was left alive, so I ran. When nobody was left at our place to protect the book, it disappeared on its own. Valdsams tried to search it but failed. Years passed and I thought it was over but Akuma was cleaver enough. He knew the key to open the book was a trihybrid. He knew he had to give powers to someone who is willing to die, no one was left to protect it and no one was left to open it either, so Akuma chose Saol to create the key. Perhaps, he planned it but failed. My father told me, the book chooses a person to create a tribe of the protectors. On Dia's 15th birthday the book appeared again, and when Dia decided to find more like him, he reached me and this is why I am here. I have been with Dia and Francis and the people as a server and a protector. The last tribe who vanished completely fighting Valdsams was my tribe 'Campbell' the tribe of powerful and flying witches. I somehow survived for years before Dia reached for me. There too I performed Muerte but for the first time and yeah I became immortal.'

There are millions or billions of incidents that might have happened in past and today they come under the category of folklore, myths, or stories that your Grandma might narrate you. Things we haven't seen, haven't encountered we tend to think they are nothing but the people who have lived them value it and live with memories of it and sometimes those memories tear you apart. Sirena told that before Campbells there were many more tribes which included werewolves as well but nobody of their tribe exists now. From the starting of life, such tribes have been here on this planet to protect the world of God. Nobody knows the truth about the existence of the book and the first tribe chosen by it. I wonder when I say I was born in a rich family along with the legacies connected to it and guess what that legacy was not the money or royalty but the legacy was of being 'the Alessandro'. The tribes that sacrificed their lives were like my families, my ancestors. They have shown the true meaning of how 'Good triumphs over the evil' no matter if it costs your life and now it was my turn. I further asked her about the Valdsams, what were they, and what they comprised of?

Sirena stated, 'Valdsams is a tribe of demons and evils, who worship evil and follow evil. This tribe was created by a demon named Akuma Ramirez Valdsam who was the descendant of satan the first devil. The owner of hostile and destructive forces. The main motto of this tribe is just destruction and the main aim is to conquer. Like the book chooses the tribe of Alessandro, Satan chooses the tribe of Valdsams. Like we are the tribes of God, Valdsams is the tribe of a demon and as the operator of our tribe is Alessandro, the operator of Valdsams is Akuma. She paused and then added, 'Akuma gets three chances with every tribe and for years he has failed all the chances with every tribe. It's not every time he chooses the key to form the trihybrid, it's only the book but this time in the case of Dia devil chose the key. The book didn't choose Dia and Francis as it didn't gleam when they first encountered the book, no wonder they had powers but they weren't born with it. Dia had earned his powers when Susan gave her blood to him and made him alive. Francis wasn't powerful so we did muerte but I have seen in my tribe the Alessandro is born with powers as the books sends the part of its energy to the born person in the form of a mark which neither Dia nor Francis had on their bodies. Alessandro is so powerful that he can conquer Valdsams without muerte but in order to protect and to destroy the key of the book he dies.'

'but you call them the Alessandro, as you said they were chosen by Akuma but they were not with him...and in that biography, it was written Francis hat that mark....' I asked in confusion.

'you are right...(gasps) we call them and they had the mark but different from yours because they were the protectors. Akuma thought if he would choose the key he might be able to conquer but he failed to understand, that he might have chosen the key but the book only appears to a person who is wise enough,' Sirena smiled and then added,

"It's the godly way of selection, the wise shall pass and rise, The insatiable ought to be dammed, no forgiveness given, no apology accepted."

Akuma failed to understand he might have chosen the way to form the key for his own good but after all the key was of the lock that God itself has made. See, in a kingdom, there is the King and his loyalists and then there are his people. you can take Dia and Francis as your loyalists. '

' But this is wrong they died without knowing the truth, in reality, they were slaughtered It's inhuman and that you was something that ..that old man were the one... you sent him?.. but he died in the town hall...' I fumbled.

' Eabha it was needed to be done. This is harsh but this is how it works. People die for Alessandro and if they didn't have sacrificed themselves, you wouldn't have been born. It's a 100 years rule. The loyalists must die before the Alessandro... and that old man... I just took his appearance, witches can do this as well...I mean I had to reach out to you in the way that you go in there, otherwise, Akuma would have played in his own way... and the man died, it might be a coincidence and I am really sorry for him.' Sirena replied.

'Eabha this time the book gleamed with all its power and no wonder the book has chosen its owner. They were the protectors but you are the owner. The book has chosen you. The tribe chosen by the book will generate from you. In true means the book has choosen the Alessandro' Stephanie said happily.

'But I have no powers not even healing like Francis had.' I remarked. Sirena smiled wickedly and said, ' you should ask your families. They have a brilliant witch and believe me you have the powers.'

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