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What is life? Life has different definitions, or you may say perceptions, seven billion people, and seven billion definitions or perceptions about life. Some say life is, people you live with, or all about love, but what is love? Again millions of perceptions, for some love is parents, for some its money, or owning a big house, or for some, it's getting a girl or boy they want and life, there are simple definitions to it and some biological, like 'life is a characteristic that distinguishes physical processes, such as signaling, movement, etc. that inanimate matter lacks.' For philosophers like Aristotle life is about happiness: 'Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim, and end of human existence.'

This raised another question, what is happiness? Again different people, different definitions, as for me, my life was going normal and Roisin and I were happy as our summer holidays were about to begin: 'that was happiness for us'. It was a normal day; Roisin and I were sitting in my room, just chilling as we usually did on Sunday afternoons. I was reading a novel and Roisin like she always did, trying my clothes on and messing up my wardrobe. She had her two wardrobes full of expensive and beautiful outfits but she always liked my clothes. While reading I often forget what's going around and there I came across that word I have always been curious to know about, 'the road', but never asked anyone. It's not like, I never tried to ask but whenever I did only failure lead my way because none answered and I was always blown off not only by my parents but Roisin's parents as well. But this time again, I don't know I decided to ask Roisin about that road, out of nowhere.

'Have you ever been through the road going backside of our school it's like I never saw a single person passing by?' I asked her with nervousness.

'Oh, that road? Actually no, I don't really know since how many years it has been closed. Why you asking, Eabha?' she dithered.

'Well, nothing much. I was just wondering where that road leads. Sometimes I feel looking that side maybe there's something I am attracted to. Maybe someone's calling me.' I replied.

No, I wasn't lying. I often heard my name, while passing from that place. I don't know I used to feel like I am connected to something there.

She then said in a serious tone as if she knew something, 'Oh, shut up. Nancy Drew. You know what, being curious is a good thing but few things should always remain a secret and that is for your own good. Do not ever try to go in there. My dad once said when I asked about the road,

"It will mesmerize you with its beauty,

It will attract you with its wonders,

If curious you're

'Be aware' what to choose and what to follow".

I knew there must be something that made that road vanished forever. Roisin has always been an outspoken person and this time, I don't know she realized or not she told me many things that boosted up my curiosity even more. The first time I happened to sneak into the road was after my 15th birthday, I became curious to know. I often tried asking but, was often brushed off. That was the first time, on my 15th birthday I went near the gate, not willingly, but I heard someone calling my name and I just followed the voice. It seemed like I was enchanted. It was the first thing I ever hid from Roisin. Thinking about that day, I guess I would have entered inside but, a car horn distracted me and I ran home.

'See, my dad says there are many things you got questions for but no answers. He said many people went there because of the old folklore which gave the hope for 'treasures of immortality' and guess what, those who went in search of Tesoro none of them returned.' Roisin added.

'seriously? Treasure of immortality'. I knew it was nothing like this.

'However, the truth is we make the stories; we make the rules, to hide the royal's secrets or history. I mean, that's what my sister says. After all, we are Evanoras and Laurants. We rule the town.' She commented.

I could sense that she was resolute to keep me away from that place.

Well, ruling the town was a separate case, but what her sister Rose claimed, that was something that blocked my mind. 'the royal's secrets', well Laurants and Evanoras were called royals in the early '70s because of their richness and royal style.

At that moment I was just thinking about that place, the incident that happened, unaware of what Roisin was saying.

'Are you even listening to me? All you are interested in is that damn road. But lemme give you clear instruction, we are not supposed to go there and nobody is and in any of your plans related to that stupid road I am outta it.' She was furious

'no worries, I am not going anywhere.'

She got up from the bed saying 'I am glad to hear that, see you tomorrow, last day of the semester. And finally summer breaks.'

'And yeah result too.' I announced.

'No... I didn't want to hear that. I hate you. Bye.' She ran downstairs saying this. I knew she was reluctant about hearing this.

'Evanoras do not hate Laurants dear. What is the matter girl?' My mom politely claimed.

'I know Aunt Laurant, but she reminded me of the result and I know she is going to top again and I don't know about me.'

'But, I say you gonna do well too.'

'But, how you are always positive about me?'

'Because she is my mom.' Jake, my brother interrupted.

I never understood why my brother always interrupted with a nonsense appeal.

'Shut up you chicken head.' I addressed him. 'Mom's positive about everything. And about you Roisin, you really worked hard this time and you are supposed to be good or might top even. However, you hate me. But, I love you.' I added.

'Nope. I didn't mean it. You're my best friend.' She said.

Of course, I knew. I liked teasing her.

To our conversation, my dad added an important question, 'how about dinner?'

Well, I was hungry and Roisin, I knew her answer.

'Thanks, uncle Patrick. But, If I again stayed here for dinner my mom's gonna throw me out of the house and I have to shift here forever. Because I am always here, I least go to my house.' She said.

Yes, she was right. Half of the time, she was at my house. 'Guess what, I am fine by that. It would be awesome if we stayed together.' I said happily.

'You gonna mess the house, like you both mess up your rooms.' Jake shouted.

And to this we all laughed, Roisin wished a good night to everyone and went to her house. Then we all had dinner, watched TV and went to our rooms.

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