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People say with a new day, you get another chance to live, or to create something. The next day I woke up early, early than my usual time, or you may say I wasn't able to sleep the whole night. After what I have been encountering for the past few days and it's been hours what I saw last night and as per me I easily overcome certain things but I guess this wasn't a fact to overcome but to question. Lying on the bed, restless I recalled a famous quote 'the important thing is not to stop questioning'. Funny, yeah, how I relate it. But, tell me are these questions were worth answering? It's the 21st century and as the era is advancing, few things become a myth. I never believed reading fantasy novels I would actually come across these things in reality. I wished this were a nightmare. I knew, if I told someone they'll probably laugh and would advise me to live in reality. However, my parents, Rose and Evanoras, what they were up to, would they advise me the same thing? What was the treasure box? who was reviving? were they talking about me? 

With so many questions and confusion, I didn't know I was about stuck with one more adding to my dilemma. This was a usual morning, at least everyone was pretending, having breakfast in silence. I wanted to take the initiative to break the silence. No, not by making it difficult for my parents by asking questions on what was happening but just by making them smile, well, how to do that? I was figuring this out and suddenly the silence broke, with her merry voice...

'Good morning, Laurants'. There she was Roisin. She has always been there when I am dealing with difficulties. I stood up ran towards her as if I met her after years. I can't deny the fact I was missing her a lot.

'Wow, someone missed me, I know, Eabha darling.' She knew it. Whenever she entered a room, the room automatically lit up. She has that aura of positivity and peace.

'You're at right time. Come have breakfast. It's cheese oregano sandwiches.' My mother added with a smile. I was happy at least she did smile and so did my dad.

'...yeah, I am ever ready for them. I am actually very hungry. I entered my house, threw my suitcase, and ran towards this side and see I am here. Mom was like .... Don't enter my house again.' To her, this note everybody laughed. The silence was at last broken and we had an actual normal breakfast. Thanks to Roisin.

So, we went to my room after a happy meal. Before I told her anything, everything started to make no sense at all. Roisin entered my room and sat elegantly on my couch, it was weird because it wasn't her style. She used to enter my room and jump into my bed with her shoes on, to annoy me, as I didn't like shoes on my bed. Then I realized what she told me before leaving that she would come after 2 days and that she would talk to me about that old man and about that road. But, 10 minutes passed and she didn't say a single word and she was looking continuously here and there as if she was scanning the whole room with her eyes to find something. Roisin can never sit quietly for even a second, and today she was silent. I thought something might have happened, something serious at her cousin's house. Then I recalled the day of her grandfather's death and even on that she was trying to make everyone smile, she was hurt but still not quiet. I wondered what could be more serious than that day. I was about to ask ... but she said something weird until then.

'Your room is arranged beautifully.'

Seriously, this is what she said. She knew we decorated my room with her room décor ideas; she was searching for it months before my room was to be renovated. It seemed like it was the first time she came to the room. I was about to confront her about her behavior, but before I could say anything she said 'I need to leave, I am tired', and then she left. It was the first time she behaved weird and unacceptable. Before I could have filled my mind with another thought my phone beeped, displaying Roisin's message and I was stunned and scared after reading her message. She messaged me saying...

'hey, sista. what's up?. I know only one day has passed and you are missing me already. But, sorry my cousin will be leaving the day after tomorrow for France, so I would be staying here till then. I am sorry. Don't get mad at me.

Love, Roisin'.

I wished I was asleep and it was a dream. However, it wasn't and I was in complete terror. I was unable to figure out what just happened, if Roisin was at her cousin's house, then who she was with whom my family and I had breakfast. That girl's weird behavior was depicting that she wasn't Roisin and the message confirmed it all. I was thinking about whether it's possible, two Roisin!? But, then I realized what I encountered in the past few days, it could be possible but, how? That was the question. Although, I thought, perhaps, she was doing this purposely to have fun. This might be her prank. So, calling her would not be fruitful. So I called Mrs. Evanora, her mother, and asked her if Roisin's home? Guess what she said,

'no, she's not. She would be coming after a few days. She called me today morning, and she might have messaged you. You should check. I know you miss your best friend. She'll soon be here'.

Fear ran through my body when Jake came to my room to call me downstairs to have breakfast. I was unable to speak; I was frustrated with the lack of answers and so many questions.

'You look terrible as if you saw a ghost.' My brother said when I sat on the chair and mom served me cheese oregano sandwiches. I needed to figure this out. We just had breakfast. I looked at the clock it was 9 am again, and just after 15 minutes, at 9:15, Roisin would come as she did earlier. I ate those sandwiches again though I was full. It was 9:30 by now and Roisin wasn't here. Everybody finished their breakfast, Dad and mom went to work, and Jake to his room, and I still waited. It was 10 by now. Nothing happened. I thought I was hallucinating, but I don't do drugs, and overthinking does not force you to hallucinate.

I ran into my room and jumped into my bed and I don't know I started crying. I felt helpless and I was angry. In meantime, the phone beeped again and this time, it was a notification from 'Esperer news' conveying another animal attack, and two dead bodies were found in a pretty bad condition.

God, I didn't know what was happening. I was thinking continuously 'Should I talk to mom? 'No... pretty bad idea, because she would know I went in there. Moreover, mom and dad lied to me at first'. Then I thought maybe, that old study room might reveal something. 'But I almost searched for everything there'. Should I talk to Jake? 'Bad idea, he never cared about anything other than his video games. Well, what else I could have expected from a kid.'

With everything going inside, an old manuscript distracted me; at least that book looked like one. It was on the couch exactly at a place Roisin, or that girl was sitting.

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