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'dungeon? The time hasn't come yet.'

'I know..'

'Then why you are here? shouldn't you be sleeping?'

'Do you really think I'll be able to end this?'

'You have those ultimate powers....and you still doubt'.

Stephanie and I walked out of my house and went into the dungeon. I sat in front of the cemented podium and so did Stephanie. 

'Are okay?' She asked.

'I don't know. Have you ever been betrayed and that too by the would give up your life for?'

'well...not by people but... life.... has betrayed me a many times....(sighs)  first it took my family from me, then Francis and my children and gave me a life I never wanted. I am immortal and a demon who relies on blood.' she paused and then added laughing....,' I can attend your funeral..' 

'yeah right... ' I giggled.

' are not only talking about Roisin. Aren't you?' 

'yeah...I am saying about Magnar'

'As per, I know you guys met only once..when you encountered the old man'

'Nope...' I stated.

I said 'no'. why? .......because I met him many times. Yes, I met him after that too. we chatted, we shared secrets and talked about life and people and books and stars and universe and a lot more. It was the first time in my life I met a person other than Roisin I felt I could trust, a person who seemed exactly like me. You see, sometimes a lifetime falls short to feel for someone..but sometimes a few weeks are enough. It was the first time I felt something for someone, for the first time I felt betrayed, for the first time I opened up to someone, I felt cheated and I didn't know how to express this pain. I wanted to be angry and destroy both of them. Roisin and Magnar both...but neither I was able to express my rage nor I was able to express my pain and cry.

'where Sirena lives?' I asked.

'Well...she has been living in the city after Aurther's death...unlike small towns like ours,  in big cities, people don't know what is happening in the room next to them they won't be wondering who lives in the house next to her immortality won't be doubted.'

'I see..what if I open that book or destroy it?'

'it's your property whatever you want... opening it would make you the most powerful...and destroying it might end the mass extinction of tribes like us...however you might know the exact origin of this book and God and I don't know.' she paused and then added, 'I would just say one thing...Do not make your decisions out of rage and stupidity or curiosity.'

'Do you know  when it's time?'

'I don't know...'

'Is Akuma that stupid to believe that the locket has powers?'

'Nope, He's not. But your best friend and Magnar are...And this means Akuma is not here...he sent Magnar to spy on you and Magnar used Roisin for that' Sirena said.

'You?.... how you just appear out of nowhere...' I giggled.

'Thank you ...but I sensed you both were here ...So I thought to just come and meet and tell you ..time's gonna come soon....'

We sat there talking about stuff, laughing, and performing magic tricks. That day I lived my happiness within a few hours. I headed back to my house and Stephanie and Sirena towards the city. It was 6 am in the morning I had a warm bath and then had a delicious meal I cooked for myself and my family. Two days passed by and life seemed dull as I could sense the destruction that was about to happen, but I tried not to think about it. Roisin didn't call me since the day she took away that locket and Magnar. It's been a week we haven't contacted each other. This was because we all got what we wanted and now we had nothing to do with each other. Roisin got my locket and Magnar. Magnar got to know who I was for his dad Akuma. I got to know their truth and mine as well.

Yes, Akuma was Magnar's dad. For years  Valdsams have been changing their places from one forest to another. These tribes hide in dark and as generations passed in our tribes happened in theirs. The new Akuma was Jhon Regro Ramirez when he realized that the time was near he came to LA years back and lived there like a normal human, he killed a businessperson there and took over his company and married his wife and had Magnar. He told him everything about his tribe, his purpose, and how to be evil like him. Magnar has few powers that could create an illusion and compel people, so he used them against me and created an illusion, he knew a normal person wouldn't be able to recognize this illusion but a person with magical blood would be able to recognize and enter. People of tribe Evanoras and Laurants were called the people of magical blood, no matter they have powers or not but they still can recognize magic and things that normal humans fail to do. He might have compelled Roisin against me, I literally wished that I get Roisin back. 

Friendship is the purest relation I feel, the only person you tell your secrets to, the only person you openly without any hesitation say or tell anything that you can't even tell your parents.  Nobody can control fate and no one can see the future, but I can, however, I didn't want to. I just had one thing in m mind, 'Let's see what the future holds.'


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