61. Mother's Little Helper

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[Mother's Little Helper]


Milton, Illinois

A car pulled into the garage. Inside, a man was eating popcorn in front of a television as his wife walked in the door with a bundle of flowers in her hand and a bag of groceries. She set them down on the kitchen counter and sighed like she'd had a hard day.

"What's on the menu tonight?" the husband asked.

"Meatloaf," the wife replied.

"Really? Again?"

The wife said in a slightly annoyed tone, "I wish you wouldn't say that. You know how hard I work all day, and yet you criticize me."

The husband rolled his eyes as, behind him, the wife picked up a large candle holder. Without hesitation she smashed him in the face with it, twice.

The wife continued. "So, yes." Smash. "We're having meatloaf." Smash. With potatoes..." smash, "and broccoli..." smash, "... and lots of god things."

Blood splattered on the television. A note from a child on the fridge read 'Mrs. Young is the best.'


Dean set a large, red book on the table and he and Natalia started leafing through it.

Sam and Dylan entered and said, "Hey."

Dean and Natalia barely glanced up. "Hey."

"You two catch any shut-eye last night?" Sam asked.


"Guess Dyl or I are driving, then."

"Driving where?" Dean questioned.

"Caught wind of a case online," Dylan said. "A 1st-grade teacher came home and killed her husband."

"Well, maybe she snapped. Ankle biters can do that to you."

"Dude, she pounded him, into ground chuck," Sam told him.

Dean and Natalia were still reading the book, not really paying attention as she questioned, "So, what are you two thinking?"

"Best guess -- possession."

"Why don't you two go?" Dean suggested as he and Natalia turned their backs on Sam and Dylan and walked to a file folder and started looking through it.

"Dean, Natalia, look. Dylan and I want to find Abaddon, too, but we've been coming though this stuff for days."

"Well, maybe we missed something."

"And maybe there are better ways to spend our time that just spin our-"

"Maybe we don't have time!" Natalia yelled, cutting him off.

"What's up with you two?" Dylan asked.

Dean pulled out a paper and he and Natalia read it silently. "Nothing."

Sam walked towards them. "Yeah? See, because ever since you two killed Magnus, you've both been acting... sort of... obsessed."

Dean finally turned to face Sam. "Well, maybe because she and I want to end all this. Maybe because if we find Abaddon, then Crowley ponies up the First and Second Blades, and we kill her and him both. So what you call being "obsessed," Nat and I call doing our job."

"Okay, um... Dylan and I get it, Dean. We're just checking in."

"I'm fine," Dean and Natalia replied.

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