Chapter Twenty

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The Quidditch Cup

Elizabeth had never been incredibly interested in quidditch. She attended the games because she enjoyed the social aspect of it, not because the sport was incredibly interesting to watch. The commentator, Isabel Jackson, was incredibly entertaining to listen to, but Elizabeth had never found quidditch very riveting. However, since she and James had gone on their first date, Elizabeth had found a new fondness for the sport. She still didn't understand all of the rules, but she enjoyed watching James play. When James was playing quidditch, Elizabeth could see the happiness in his eyes. Even when Gryffindor was losing, James seemed thrilled to be playing the game. He had a certain pep in his step after a quidditch match that Lily said she had seen when he was around Elizabeth.

"Good morning." James commented, sitting next to Elizabeth. Anne smiled happily at him, while Henry rolled his eyes.

"Is it?"

"What's your problem?" Elizabeth asked. Henry sighed.

"Just that everybody's off getting in relationships. It's awfully depressing stuff, you see."

"Who's gotten in a relationship other than Elizabeth?" Edmond asked. Henry shrugged, the tips of his ears turning pink.

"I've just noticed a lot of new couples around the school, that's all." He said. Anne smirked.

"Like Isa-"

"Like nobody that particularly interests me, Anne." Henry said pointedly. Elizabeth and Edmond looked at each other, then at Anne.

"No, go on, Anne. Who were you going to say?"

"Just Isabel Jackson. She and Samuel Davies just started going out."

"And that's of no interest to you, Henry?" Elizabeth asked.

"Not especially. I mean, why would I be interested in their love lives? It was just an observation."

"Right. Well, Isabel is pretty, isn't she? And I've heard she's quite nice. In fact, aren't you two potions partners?" Elizabeth asked, enjoying Henry's discomfort.

"We are."

"Well you didn't answer Elizabeth's other question. She asked if Isabel was pretty, Henry." Edmond said. Elizabeth noticed Anne was watching the encounter with great interest.

"I hadn't really thought about, but I suppose so." Henry said, filling his mouth with food to avoid answering any other questions. Elizabeth grinned at Edmond.

"Right, well how's Regulus, Anne?" Henry asked when he had swallowed his food. Anne looked up quickly.

"Shouldn't you know? You are his dorm-mate, after all. I figure you should be able to tell me."

"Well, you two are friends, aren't you? I heard you were quite close."

Anne blushed slightly.

"What about it?"

"Well I got the impression you wanted to be even closer to him." Henry said savagely. Elizabeth's mouth dropped open.


"What?" Henry asked innocently.

"You can't bully your sister like that!"

"She did it to me first!"

"No, she merely commented about Isabel's relationship. You teased her about someone she liked. But, of course, if you like Isabel," She hinted. Henry scowled.

"Maybe I do. It's not like anything's going to come out of it. She's in a relationship."

"Didn't Elizabeth say nothing was going to come out of the thing with her and James?" Anne pointed out. James looked up, having been focused on his food.

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