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My mom means everything to me, she is the first lady in my life and my love for her will forever reign that no other woman who comes into my life can take her place.

When I was at it she was the only person who remained supportive to me even when people had neglected me and didn't wanna associate themselves with me anymore.

Sometimes friends are not as sincere as they make themselves out to be they there for you when everything is all good but when they realise that not everything that glitters is gold they make a run for it.

She is a kindergarten teacher and with every penny that she acquired from the government through her work she would use it to pay my bail during my trial just so I get out of jail for that short period of time.

In her words she used to say I won't sleep peacefully knowing that my boy is thrown deep in the lion's den. How will I sleep not knowing if you are given a blanket to keep you warm at night? or that they gave you something to eat so you don't go to bed hungry? What assurity am I given as a parent that those bad people are not hurting you?

It was rather ironic how she would refer to them as bad people while I fall in the same category as those people it didn't matter what I did but as long as I find myself in the same place as those bad people then I am bad myself.

She has always tried to remain positive in every aspect of my life and the choices I have made she never used to put me down any further while I was down already. The only time where her heart couldn't overpower my sins was when she learned that I had sexually violated an innocent girl that's when her eyes reflected the pain that her heart consumed. Even though I was young, It was still inexcusable what we did to that girl.

She was fighting that I know better and hurting a girl in that way was not how she had raised me, which was true. We spent a great deal not talking to each other I had brought her shame most people felt comfortable insulting her that if she wasn't a bad mother I wouldn't have done what I did.

She took all of that in and when they slapped her cheek with such hurtful comments she never fought back but just turned and gave them the other cheek.

My mother is not a person who finds hers paying back people according to how they have hurt her but instead she remains peaceful in every way and would try to seek for other alternatives in handling a dispute than to fight back.

She is also one of the strongest women I have came across with all the pain and infedility that my father has brought in their marriage over the years she stood still and always tried to fix her marriage where it was broken, not being aware that her husband was the one who was broken.

Whenever anything involves my first lady I drop everything to make sure that I am there for her and now on my way to check how everything was running at work since I didn't show up this morning I received a call from my sister informing me that mom had another seizure and this time she was in the hospital.

She has been having reoccurring seizures lately which has made the doctor question if she was epileptic. I did a rain check on driving to check up on the club I drove straight to the hospital.

She was nicely laying back on that small bed with an IV next to her slowly but surely dripping and that tube taking in the liquid to her body through her vein. Ziyah was laying next to her i forgot she's more of a momma's baby than I am.

She smiled when she saw me walking in, she was trying to show her positive energy but her eyes gave her away that she was exhausted and defeated. I walked up to her and kissed her on her forehead. "I told Ziyah not to call you" she said

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