I'll Be There For You

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- What the hell?! -she curse.

- It's over, Adams. Your game ends here -Emily says entering in the room followed by the others.

- Oh no, you guys already got in -Cat smiles- you come to see the end and you all... -Rossi cut Cat off.

- There's not bomb -Rossi says- We knew it the moment you said how easy is make people do whatever you want using the magic words -Rossi says exposing the truth.

- Well done, agents -Cat says with sarcasm.

- Come on, put the gun down and let's make this less difficult -JJ says.

- I tried to be nice, Spencie... But you still prefer this little slut before me -Cat stares at Spencer's face- We couldve had something good and this game ends with me and you -when she says that I understood it, I know what she's going to do, she's going to shoot Spencer.

- NOOO! -I threw my self over Cat, pushing her a side, releasing Spencer and making the bullet go to the roof. I manage to get the gun out of her hands, and that's when Hotch and Morgan take the opportunity to grab Cat and handcuff her.

- We need medics here -Emily says to the walkie-talkie.

I get up fast, ignoring all the pain and shiver I feel to rush to Spencer, taking his hand in mine while with the other I apart the hair of his beautiful face.

- You could've died -he tells me with his eyes closed.

- I know but I'd risk anything for you -I smile a little.

The paramedics arrive and start to check on Spence, I'm still holding his hand, not wanting to separate from him.

- Ma'am, you have to be checked too -one of the paramedics says.

- I'm ok, please help him first -I tell them.

- Vic,... please -Spencer stares at my eyes concerned.

- Spence, really I'm fine -I force a smile and he notices. I squeeze his hand- I let them check on me later.

- Ok, but I want to be there, I want to know you're fine -he squeezes my hand back.

- We have to go to the hospital -the man says and I nod.

They put Spencer in a stretcher to hop on the ambulance, I follow them and they start to drive.

I sit there in silence watching how the paramedic checks Spence's vitals again opening his shirt to have a better listen to his heart, and I can feel my cheeks turning pink so I look down. Spence quit his hand from mine up to my face and stares into my eyes.

- Hey -he says in a soft voice caressing my cheek with his thumb.

- Hey -I say back letting escape a shaky tone. Spence notices, I know because the way his gesture changed, and was about to say something but the paramedic interrupted.

- We arrive.

They open the door of the ambulance and down Spence with me following behind. Once we enter the hospital, the cold air conditioner hit my face, making my shake state more visible.

Some nurses come up and start making questions to Spencer to then finally say that they will take us to a room.

- You can't come, miss. Just family. -a nurse says. I stop in my tracks but then Spencer speak up.

- She's my girlfriend. Let her come -I open wide my eyes when I hear Spence call me that way, I couldn't help, a smile appears on my face.

The nurse nods and signals me to go with them. I run a little and take Spencer's hand in mine again, till we get to the room and they move Spence to the bed in there, setting everything. Everyone leave the room and the nurse says the doctor will come in a while, we nod and thanks them.

I'll Risk Anything For You (Spencer Reid)Where stories live. Discover now