I'll Take Care of You

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We head down listening all the shoots here and there. The team already arrived. I can't deny I'm afraid, this is not a college practice, it's a real situation.

- Victoria, look at me -Spencer make me look him in the eyes- I want you behind me. And here... -he give me a gun- you need to point straight -he stand behind me taking my arms showing me how to do it- Good, like that -I nod- You would shoot just if it's extremely necessary, ok? -he ask.

- Ok. Understood -I answer.

- Stay behind me -he repeat, I nod and follow him descending the stairs.

When we're at the entrance there's more people than we thought, the guy bring reinforcement. There are 3 men.

- This girl is a psychopath. How she managed to have that many people helping her? -I comment. Spence nod in agreement. He starts shooting trying to help but it's difficult, this guys are so armed.

- She's good manipulating people -he answer.

Spencer find the way and shoot one in the arm. Emily take the guy handcuffing him to hop it in the car. I spot officers shoot, this is all my fault.

We advance until I feel hand covering my mouth dragging through the hallway, making me drop the gun in the way. It's a woman hand because it's too slim. I bit hard making her quit it.

- SPENCER! -I scream to the top of my lungs. But there's too much noise.

The woman takes me to an apartment closing the door. She drop me to the floor.

- SPENCER -I scream again. She lean down and slap me across the face.

- Shut up your mouth -she tells me- Don't waste your time. He don't even notice you aren't by his side.

- He'll notice -I say and she laughs. I hit her in the face with my fist sending her to the ground. Making her mask fall- Patricia! -I look at her in shock.

- Stupid, bitch -she takes her gun out and shoot.

Spencer POV

I hear someone screaming my name, that's when I realized, Vic. I was so distracted by the disturbs that I neglect her.

I run through hallway where the apartments are. I listen carefully, trying to hear her voice. Suddenly I hear a shoot followed by another.

- No, no, no, no. Not you too, please -I rush to the third door and open it finding Victoria knelt  down beside a body with her hands cover in blood. I come closer to her and kneel down next to her- Vic, are you ok?

- She's dead, I killed her -she says in shock staring at her hands- She was about to shoot me and I threw my self over her and we fight and I pressed the trigger and... And I... God... I'm a monster, I'm a killer -I stare at her with sadness. I see her dress wet with blood and her face splashed too, her knees are cover too because she's in the pool of blood that the body created.

- No, no. Baby, you're nothing of that -I hug her from the side getting her out of the shock. She starts crying and sobbing- Shhh.... Shhh... It's ok -I shush caressing her hair.

- No, it isn't. Some one's dead because of me again -she hid her face in chest.

- Baby, you were defending yourself -she keep crying. This hurt my heart, I hate see her like this. Matt appears in the door frame.

- What happened here? -he ask looking around.

- The girl tried to shoot Victoria, she defends herself -he nod and speak in the walkie-talkie calling for medics. I lean my hand and touch the girl's neck, I found she still have pulse- She's alive -I separate Vic- Hey, she's alive. You didn't kill her -she sigh in relief.

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