Bubble of Love

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It's June already, almost 2 months ago since all the crazy days. I been spending an amazing time with my wonderful boyfriend and the guys of the team. How Spence expected, I became best friend with all the girls, but the closest is Pen.

The best, best, best good news are that tomorrow I finally graduate from college, and all the team is going to the ceremony. Plus Rossi offer to throw a party at his house. He told me so many times that I'm like his daughter and if I need something he'll be there for me.

Since the event is tomorrow the principal wanted that our class go to an educational tour in FBI installations so there's where I'm going now. The bad thing is, I'm on a bus with all this annoying people.

- I can't wait to see the sexy agents -one of the girls says to her friend sitting next to her.

- I heard that there's a so so handsome guys in the Behavioural Analysis Unit -the other respond.

I roll my eyes, I don't like the sound of that, Spence can say anything but I know he receive attention from girls. God, you need to be blind to not notice, we can't deny it, Spence is like a Greek God. No one in this class know that I date a FBI agent, because... Well, I don't talk to this people.

The bus stop in front the FBI's building, everyone rush to hop off and form a big group. I just stay behind, I never be the one who wants to stay at front, also I already know the building so well.

The tour was cool, sometimes a little bit annoying, the guides ask questions and anyone answers, except for me. It's incredible, we're supposed to graduate tomorrow and this guys don't know anything, I feel like I'm the only one who took this career serious. We're finally heading to the BAU department and I can't hid the smile of full happiness for see the team. We stand in the hallway and I can see from my spot, David, Emily and Spence coming out to greet us.

- Welcome to the Behavioural Analysis Unit -Rossi says looking at me winking and I smile back.

- It's a pleasure to have you here and show you around -Emily says.

- It's important that in this type of experience you learn the most you can, because then of this, you'll able to take a decision if this is what you want to do for the rest of your life -Spence talks with his eyes looking for me into the crowd and when he find me, his face light up with a bigger smile.  When he end, all the girls applause, I just roll my eyes, I can't help my jealous side- Someone can tell what is the BAU purpose? -he ask and as always no one respond, how they don't feel embarrassed of don't say anything.

- The BAU's purpose is catch the serial killers analysing their behaviour, getting into their minds to solve the cases -I answer gaining a smile from the three agents.

- That's corre... -one of the stupid girls, the blonde one cut Spence off, for her friend.

-  The genius can't stop boasting. She just want attention -the black hair girl friend of the blonde says making everyone laugh. Spence send a  death glare at them.

- Follow us, toward here -Rossi says trying to stop them from keep going.

The tour is going amazing I love to hear the team talk about their experiences. They guide us through the glass door. The young agent talks about a case, where the unsub send letters with codes.

- He's so hot -the same girls of the bus talk to each other in low tone that I'm capable to listen because I'm enough close to them.

- Undeniable fact -the other say. God! It is so disgusting- Maybe it's single -I take a deep breath to not go over her right here.

- Do you know who he was trying to imitate? -Spencer asks shutting down the girls and guess what? nobody respond.

- Zodiac Killer -I answer and I hear grunts. Spence smile at me.

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