Chapter 2 (18+)

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June 19th, 2020, 14 o'clock, GMT+7, Southeast Asia time zone.

The news of cute Thai boys enjoying their vacation in the suburbs attracted the attention of fujoshi girls. There were notable characters of this kind, such as Can's younger sister Le (Lemon), Knock and Korn's best friend Yihwa, Kim and Way's best friend Pan, Zon's younger sister Sol and her friend Soda, Pharm and Dean's best friend Manaow.

Le: "It seems like that our yaoi story will go well."

Yihwa: "Indeed."

Pan: "I hope our efforts won't go in vain. Way and Kim will be together soon."

Soda: "I really want to ship Way and Kim together, they are a cute couple. Fighter and Tutor are also my favorite boys."

Manaow: "Now, ladies, we are best friends forever."

Also at the same time, a totally homophobic girl named Pingping had somehow got access to a laptop she owned. She was really upset to know that Way was gay, and she wanted to get Way back to her side. Aside from that, Pingping was so envy of Soda that she attempted to manipulate the girl, and ended up badly. Now Pingping was the main antagonist of the story, with other people like her crowding her. They comprised of Trump (Pete Pichaya's ex-boyfriend), Lhong (Tharn's ex-boyfriend), Daily (Ae's ex-girlfriend), Plernpleng (Knock's ex-girlfriend). Lhong was Tharn's ex-boyfriend, so he knew Tharn would be his even though he would try to ruin Tharn's life as a result of his actions, but he didn't care about it.

Lhong: "Homewrecker deployed!"

The Homewrecker summoned by Lhong through his computer was a very tall blonde Caucasian man clad in a black suit with black glasses. He was carrying a pair of pistols.

"I am Albert Wesker from the universe of Resident Evil. I'm your guest fighter." The man said.

"Very good. Let's start the Garden Rush." Lhong said.

"As you wish." The foreigner said.

"Now nobody can take Pete away from me." Trump also summoned an entity from the draft typed on his computer.

The entity turned out to be a sadistic monster taken from Silent Hill. It was the dreaded Pyramid Head, a tall hulking monster with a massive blade and a huge metallic block shaped like a sharp pyramid.

"Let's start the Garden Rush." Trump said.

Pyramid Head nodded silently.

As for Pingping, she had her trump card. She summoned an evil entity from her laptop, and it was Sadako Yamamura, a long-haired female Japanese ghost dressed in white. Sadako came from the universe of The Ring.

"Way is mine! Way is mine only!" She shrieked as she finished summoning Sadako.

"Let's start the Garden Rush." Pingping said.

"As you wish." Sadako said in English with her usual Japanese accent, and Pingping couldn't even understand what Sadako said in spite of understanding English.

Lhong and his group were living in a sector of the city, and their sector was 50 kilometers away from the residence of Soda and her friend network.

Manaow: "So who is Lhong? I don't know him."

Le: "Neither do I. But I heard that P'Tharn has a toxic relationship with a boy and Tharn was his victim instead of his abuser."

Soda: "Yeah? The boy named Lhong is a toxic person?"

Le: "Who knows. It's rumours."

But the vacation house where Techno and his friends stayed in weren't affected by negative changes, as Tin and Can were playing together near the lakeside.

"Garden Rush?!" Manaow asked as she received a challenge from Lhong.

Soon the plot of three Garden Rush matches followed, with Techno and his friends completely uninvolved in the online affairs while their names were involved in the matches. 

-The first Garden Rush: Albert Wesker (Homewrecker from Resident Evil) versus Tharn, Type, Techno, Kengkla (Lovebirds).

-The second Garden Rush: Pyramid Head (Homewrecker from Silent Hill) versus Ae, Pete Pichaya, Tin, Can (Lovebirds).

-The third Garden Rush: Sadako Yamamura (Homewrecker from The Ring) versus Way, Kim, Sarawat, Tine (Lovebirds).

The online Garden Rushes began.

In the first Garden Rush, the imagined match between Tharn, Type, Techno, Kengkla and Albert Wesker took place in the Sports Science of the university Techno had attended. Techno found himself in the familiar soccer court, but everything was set in the early afternoon setting.

"Hey, why is there a flower pot?" Techno was confused as he saw a pot containing a plant with red rose-like flowers near the goal frame.

As Techno scurried to a watering can a meter away from the flower pot, he took the watering can and watered the flower pot. It was at this moment that Albert Wekser arrived to Techno's place and threatened him at gunpoint. Techno ran away with his basic survival instincts, as Wesker chased after him with two pistols in hand. As Techno was kiting Wesker around the soccer court, Tharn was watering a flower pot at the spectator stand together with Type without caring about Techno, because they believed Techno was an agile runner who could hold the Homewrecker as long as possible.

Behind the spectator stand, Kengkla had finished watering a flower pot. There were five flower pots in the map, and now there was one complete, two in progress of completion and two incomplete. In fact, the flower pot behind the spectator stand was 10 meters away from the spectator stand. That flower pot had two pots on its left and right side respectively, the left one was 5 meters away from it and the right one was 15 meters away from it. So Kengkla rushed to the nearest pot.

By the time Kengkla started watering the flower pot, three pots were complete and one pot was almost done. It was the pot that was 15 meters away from the pot behind the spectator stand to the right. Techno was injured, Type and Tharn were also injured as well, only Kengkla was healthy. Tharn had been put on the Toxic Arousal Chair twice, and Type was put on the Chair once. Wesker had been really furious as his time of failure was near and he didn't want this to happen.

The final flower pot bloomed. The four Lovebirds were rushing towards the exit gate. But the Homewrecker was ambushing them, and took everybody down with a single hit by the time the gate opened. Everyone managed to crawl out from the exit gate, and the Homewrecker lost the match even though he was a character enhanced with viral infection and genetic engineering. After the match ended, Lhong flew into a fury immediately after Tharn defeated Lhong's champion.

The second Garden Rush took place in the International College building of the same university Techno attended. But the Homewrecker was the supernatural Pyramid Head, while the Lovebirds were Tin, Can, Ae, Pete Pichaya.

Now Pyramid Head had knocked Ae down in two hits, and Ae was taken to the Toxic Arousal Chair. Ae was forced to kiss the monstrously huge dick of the Silent Hill executioner monster and gulp it whole. The tight grasp of Pyramid Head on Ae's hair hurt his head very much, and Ae was getting Toxic Arousal as more of the monster's meat stick were penetrating into his mouth. The left hand of the muscular monster was holding Ae's head, while the right one was dragging the giant heavy blade. When the five flower pots (Flowers of Romance) were watered, Ae had already been dispatched, and Pete was on his last legs while Tin and Can were healthy. Eventually, the three Lovebirds escaped safely. Before escaping through the exit case, however, Tin had been sent to a Cage of Atonement by Pyramid Head before Can rescued him.

The third Garden Rush took place in the town where Win lived. The female Homewrecker Sadako Yamamura attacked her four Lovebird opponents (Tine, Sarawat, Win, Kim) with her bare hands and long black hair. She was so furious that she swiftly moved from place to place with teleportation, while landing blows on her four targets with a blind fury. In spite of a difficult match, Tine's group escaped successfully.

June 19th, 2020, 17 o'clock, GMT+7, Southeast Asia time zone.

It turned out that the Garden Rush matches were just online battles between the homophobes and the yaoi fans. The Thai BL couples were still residing in the vacation house. Nothing bad happened to them, and they were safe.

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