Chapter 7

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June 22th, 2020, 7 o'clock, GMT + 7, Southeast Asia time zone.

There were long loud rants in the lakeside vacation house, made by Pharm and Intouch Chatpokin as they were cooking together in the kitchen:

"There are many people fleeing sorrow because they do not dare to face it, giving up everything for its sake, drowning in boredom and loneliness. The darkness in the soul keeps growing so that we dare not move forward, from which the path to unhappiness and suffering is like a vicious circle in life. If we acknowledge that we are suffering, then we have a chance to transcend those sufferings. When we accept suffering as an essential part of life, we look deeply and listen to ourselves. When listening with mindfulness, one can attain insight and reduce suffering. We have to be truly present for ourselves to understand our sufferings and difficulties."

"For most people, we suffer the most because of the notion of come-and-go. We think that our loved ones have come from somewhere and will now go to somewhere. But the nature of reality is neither coming nor going. We are from nowhere and we are not going anywhere. When conditions are sufficient, then we manifest, when conditions run out, we hide. That does not mean we do not exist. Just like when a radio wave doesn't make a sound, they just don't show up. When we lose someone we love, we will be in suffering. But if you can look deeply, you have a chance to realize that his being is sterile, undying. There is only manifestation and pause to manifest in another form. You must be very alert and awake to be able to recognize the new expression of that person. But when you practice and try, you can do this. If we know how to practice and imbue with the reality of immortality and indestructibility, if we understand that come-and-go, back-and-forth are just notions, and if we are present firmly and peacefully, then we can salvage those who are about to die. We can help them reduce fear and suffering. We can help them die peacefully. We can help ourselves to understand that there is no death, that is, there is no fear. There is only continuity. Once you understand that human life and the universe are only manifestations, yoy will be immensely peaceful. If you are suffering from the loss of a loved one, please practice looking deeply to heal your wound."

"We often feel sad and suffer a lot when things change. But change and impermanence has their positive side. Thanks to impermanence, all things have a chance. Life exists thanks to impermanence. If corn kernels are not impermanent, the kernels can never turn into a corn plant. If not impermanent, the corn plant could not give us corn to eat. If your daughter does not change, she cannot grow up to become a woman. And your nephew will never be born. So, instead of complaining about impermanence, we should say: 'Welcome impermanence, wish impermanence forever'. We have to be glad and happy. When we see the miracle of impermanence, our grief will pass. We can all understand impermanence with our minds, but then we cannot understand its true meaning. The mind does not lead us to liberation. When we are firm and in concentration, we can practice looking deeply. When one looks deeply and understands the nature of impermanence, one can reflect on that profound understanding. Thus the understanding of impermanence becomes part of us. It becomes our daily practice. We must maintain that enlightenment about impermanence so that we can see and live with impermanence at all times. If we meditate on the object of impermanence, we will cultivate the perception of impermanence that makes it live in us daily. Practicing like that, impermanence will be the key that opens the door to reality."

When Pharm was ranting, Dean entered the room with Korn Ariyasakul.

"Why are you so similar to my uncle?" Pharm asked Korn.

"Huh? Who are you? I don't know." Korn said.

"You are my uncle in his teens. I find you are so similar to him. I thought you were resurrected from the dead." Pharm said.

"What are you talking about? I'm not even related to you in familial terms. And I'm alive at this moment." Korn slightly frowned.

"Excuse me, let me ask you a while." Dean said.

"Say it." Korn was still upset.

Dean took an old photo from his family home. It was the photo of a pair of boys.

"Your uncle in his youthful years?" Korn pointed at a tall man in the old photo as he asked Pharm.

"Yes." Pharm nodded nervously.

"Dean, this young guy standing next to the tall one is your uncle, right?" Korn glanced at Dean.

"Yes, he was very young at that time." Dean nodded.

"You mean your uncle in his youth is identical to the small boy who is my little boyfriend?" Korn asked again.

"Yes." Dean nodded, his face was slightly reddened.

"Uh, well, I and Intouch are identical strangers to your uncles. By the way, thanks for clarifying us." Korn said.

Korn came to Intouch and said: "Okay, sweetie. Let's have breakfast."

"Okay." Intouch said.

"And you two, come with us." Korn said to Dean and Pharm.

"Yes." Dean, Pharm nodded in unison.

After preparing food, Dean, Pharm, Korn, Intouch were utterly shocked as Pete Pichaya walked hand in hand with Tutor to the table.

"I don't really know if they are twins." Korn frowned.

"Maybe they're identical strangers." Dean said.

"Huh?!" Korn gaped with astonishment.

"Here I come." Tar took Tum to the table.

"Oh dear, my identical stranger comes again." Intouch hugged Korn tight.

"It's okay. At least he's friendly." Korn comforted Intouch.

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