Chpt. 1 (graduation)

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(Lily p.o.v.)

Today I graduation. Freshman year before Jay died, I imagined graduating with him, like Lisa and Andy who are still together. After the one cut that I made the day Jay died healed I got a red line tattooed over it. It has Jay written over it.

Andy started a band called Black Veil Brides, or bvb. Andy does vocals, Then the bassist name is Ashley (yes he is a guy) he also does back up vocals, as does Jake who also plays guitar, Jinxx or Jeramy plays rhythm guitar and violin, And the is Christian Coma, better known as CC, who plays drums. I kinda have a crush on him.

I had just finished getting ready when I got a text from CC.

CC~ hey, I'm on my way to get you.
Lily~ didn't know you were picking me up, but okay haha.
CC~ well surprise I hhhuuuirrrryyyyy up I'm sitting in your driveway.
Lily~ okay I'm just walking out the door.

I got into CCs car and we went to the school. We got our caps and gowns, then went to sit down. People gave speeches and everything. Then it was over we threw our hats in the air and it was over. No more school. I never have to come back to the place.

"Lily you ready?" Cc asked.
"Yep, let's go." I answers

Cc dropped me off at my house, "I'll text you later, k?" He said as I got out.. "Okay talk to you later.

I went inside and up to my room. I grappled the picture of Jay I had and the note he left me and read it. I did this everyday. Then I tell him how much I miss him. I think he watches over me, he is always in my dreams.

I just stayed inside and watched movies for the rest of the day and I fell asleep at about 7pm.

(1st chapter done, I know it's short, I just wanted to get this done, like, comment, and share!)

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